To do list

Monday, July 5, 2010

God reassures me of the vision

Growing in the Dark: TD Jakes

Number 12 is the number of ruler-ship.

The outer covenant is only there as a sign that God is working WITHIN you.

You don't have to LOOK blessed to BE blessed.

God "does not make sense". He does things that do not make sense because we believe in what they don't believe in. We believe in a God that they don't know or deny to know.

Every strong person has a weakness, a vulnerability.

I will show your dad the love that your mum has for him.
You are to rule, you were made for power of authority.

We are not hungry of what we have enough of.
You can never be tempted of that which you are full of.
The tempted is weak when he is tired.

You need a vision to succeed. As long as you have a vision, provision will come.
The moment you get the vision, you are aught to shout the victory because it is a sign that provision is on its way

God will bring you out by partnering yourself with something that you don't have. He's going to bring a person to touch you and guide you.