To do list

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Just working.....

Well... as I'm writing this, I really wonder if anyone has seen this blog of mine. It's weird because I don't know who's reading it, I don't know how many people or if there is anyone at all. But I have to follow God's voice even if it doesn't seem right or feel logical. God doesn't work in the comfortable zone, he put us into discomfort and that's his way of leading us into the right direction.

I can't believe how fast time has flew by. It's already almost the end of July and it's almost my sister's birthday. OMG. Time really does fly. Well she told me what phone she wanted and now it's just a matter of searching for the right price and organising the plan from TPG.

But besides that, I feel like there's so much on my mind that I need to figure out. I honestly don't feel like doing any photo shoots during this time but I have 2 this coming week. I just want to rest and get TOTALLY into God's words. Like intensely into his spirit. But I can't just leave everything. There's still work at the restaurant that needs me. I still need to finish off my interior designing course. I still need to figure out the porfolio, look for a hairdressing at the appropriate time, contact AAMI about the car claim, and much much more..

But I don't want to think about it now. I'm not working tomorrow so I will dedicate tomorrow for this. To organise my next 2 months or so and really put in order my priorities..

Anyways, need to go wash dishes.

To do later tonight: Read Paula White "First things first"