To do list

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Straight Talk - Pastor Paula White Interview

What is your line of assignment?

*Eat clean, don't let your body crush on you because you have a message to carry.

Amazing message. Beautiful woman of God.

Where ever the presence of God is, you will flourish.

My ways are not your ways.

The easiest thing is to be filled with the spirit. The hardest thing is emptying yourself.

Preaching is the proclamation through individual lives to share and to show who Christ is on the earth.


God is shifting thing around.
He will connect you to a person.

Your tomorrow will be different from today

1.Favour creates multiplication and increase
Mat 14:17

2.Favour will birth divine miracles
Use your faith!

3.Favour will link you to golden connection

4.Favour will unleash financial blessings

5.Favour will give you supernatural promotion

6.Favour produces what money can't buy

7.Favour will turn your enemies to your friends.

1 Kings 3:4