To do list

Tuesday, October 23, 2012



A sensitive soul with an expressive nature, you tend to be a romantic at heart. Sometimes you love nothing more than escaping into your very own dreamworld. Spontaneous new experiences can be inspiring to you, and you like exploring your creative side from time to time.
Right now, you feel a little lost and that life could go one way or the other. However this uncertainty can be a positive way of taking a look at what you'd really like to do and making that change...or it could be that you discover you are happy just where you are!
When it comes to bringing positive change to your life, don’t try to move mountains. Baby steps are definitely the way forward. For example, if you’d like to lose weight, don’t set yourself up to fail with unrealistic goals. Be kind to yourself and remember that slow and steady wins the race.
It's important for you to remember to tap into your inner strength and to believe in yourself. Take on new challenges and stay stimulated so you remain enthusiastic and inspired by life. As a Seeker, you get excited by new ideas. You like adventure and original experiences that stimulate and challenge your status quo. Stay inspired with a rich mix of activities, and find time for hobbies that allow you to explore your creative side. Learn to recognise when you need variety in your life, and then incorporate it into your daily plans.
You understand the importance of quiet reflection on your deepest hopes and desires. Your faith is a wonderful gift that gives you strength and support in everything you do. Make sure you have the confidence to carve out that space for yourself however busy your schedule may be.


You're quite satisfied that you get things done during your day, but are you reaching your full potential?
Ability isn’t holding you back. You have the skills to do a great job and that allows you to keep your eye on the ball, but you might need to find a way to motivate yourself better if you want to be more successful.
As a Seeker your ability to think things through lets you develop a clear vision of how you want things to be, but all too often you keep it to yourself. Share your thoughts with others regularly to make sure you get on the right track. You will enjoy gaining a fresh perspective.
You could be trying harder, but enthusiasm doesn’t come from nowhere, and focussing too much on tasks that you’re not comfortable with can create unnecessary stress. Don’t forget your long term goals as they are what keep you on task.
You need to be able to see the big picture, but you can have a tendency to get carried away with an idea without examining all the facts. Push yourself a bit by being more rigorous, make sure you’ve really investigated things before you get too involved.
When you aren’t in a position to use all of your talents it is not always easy to hold interest, and you’re used to being able to achieve things just through your ability to stay on task. But sometimes that isn’t enough. Don’t overstretch when things are unfamiliar and make sure you give some time to indulging the things you really care about.
You believe in happy endings. By being yourself and feeling comfortable in your skin, you will give off lots of positive energy and attract the kind of love that you deserve.
You've got a whole lot of love to give. You like to jump in feet first and lavish a partner with romantic gestures. You have strong instincts and a good understanding of who you are and what you want from life. You like to follow your dreams and believe in happy endings.
You are very expressive and like a relationship to be very open and honest without needing to hold back on showing your partner how much you love them. It’s all about immersing yourself in the fairy tale feelings of being in love. For you, it’s the little things that make being in love so special. A sunset stroll on a beach, holding hands at the movies, just feeling protected and cared for.
So, what tips can we give to you?
  1. You are naturally warm and trusting and enjoy sharing your love. You have a midas touch when it comes to setting the romantic tone, so do what you do best and express your inner romantic.

  2. Open your heart. Don’t overthink things or be too much of a perfectionist. The strongest connections are founded on spiritual intimacy.

  3. Remember it's the little things that count!


You're an adventurer at heart. Expanding your horizons is a real pleasure. You love to discover new places when you get the chance. It really is a case of the further the better for you, so remember to keep your passport - and your credit card - handy!
The true mark of success for you is a happy home. It is the main focus of your life and the centre of all your aspirations.
You're happiest when you feel settled and comfortable and true fulfilment definitely lies in having strong loving relationships with family and friends. If they're healthy and happy, that's all that matters to you.
For you, getting away from it all means just that. Escaping into nature and heading off the beaten track is what you live for. It's the perfect way to really unwind and recharge those batteries. Putting a little away each month will help you focus on what you have to look forward to.
You really struggle to get moving in the morning. It's hard to find the energy to get motivated, but if you can do it then the rest of the day will be much easier to manage.
There’s nothing like losing yourself in another world when you have a bit of downtime. Giving your body and mind a chance to rest and recuperate is very important, and if it’s to a great soundtrack then all the better.
If you feel like you’re running on empty sometimes, it’s because you probably are. We all need to push ourselves to get the best from life, but we also need to remember to take time to rest, recuperate, and enjoy everything we’ve accomplished.
Whether it’s running a marathon or just getting through the day, be proud of everything you achieve. Don’t bottle up your feelings or try to keep a lid on the things you don’t want to think about. If something is really bothering you, getting it out in the open can be half the battle won.


How do I explain how I feel now...

not a word can explain how I feel...

It's indescribable...

It was a great connect group. God knows my heart and have blessed me over and beyond. Made it possible for me to print out the material I've prepared. I know God have helped me speak over the connect group tonight. I just hope Michael will soften his heart for Jesus.

How do I say it. Leah came to the salon today and I had another glimpse at God's goodness. Leah told Khee that his mum and him had knee pain which were true. Then told him he should pray so he can be healed, then he said that he thinks he should pray. What was more profound is how she could see through Nancy and knew that she finds her identity in men and sexual sins. I didn't know that.

It scared me. It makes me think about how much more God knows about me and my sinfulness.

She offered that I should hang out with her tomorrow but still haven't heard from her. Hopefully she will contact me.

Jesus just told me that I will influence a multitude of people around me. He put psalm 65:11 in my mind: you crown the year with your goodness..

Even though my eating habit have gone bad today, but my spirit feels a sudden shift. I feel different. I feel like God is preparing me for something greater and something more.

I'm losing passion for hair and for fame. Which is good.

I just want to pursue him alone.

I want to know his word and live for him....

So last night.. I saw him again (_____) and he's been the longest crush. When I don't see him, it's okay, but when I comes back...Just want Jesus to clarify and take that feeling away....

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Help me Lord

God you know my every thought.... before a word is on my tongue, you Lord know it completely. Lord, then please help me with this problem that I have. I cant even utter into words the situation I am in with my body. Lord, I need you to intervene and help me. I don't even know what I need help with, but you made me and you know me. Lord would you please help me :((

Lost Track

So I've been sick for a while now. A long time actually. I still have a slight discomfort in my throat and slightly in my nose. But for the past week, it has felt so long. I've been eating so bad and I know I should not continue that way otherwise I will sabotage all of my good days. Like almost 50 days worth of good effort. I can't put that to the drain. Anyways, I'm sick and tired of always being unhappy with the way I look. Especially lately. I feel as though I can never look any slimmer. I'm just the same old me no matter what effort I put in. Yes I feel more toned but I still feel as though I'm the same size :( . Why do I have to be bothered by these things. I guess we live in a physical world everything around us is visible and particularly with women, we want to look beautiful.

I've recently discovered Kindle and it has been amazing. I've been downloading a few books from there. So this latest book I've been reading is called "The Warrior Diet". I personally dislike all books that have the word 'diet' in it. However, the reason why I got this book was because I was looking for Fit for Life by Harvey Diamond and he happens to be the person who wrote the foreword for that book. So I guess they had to share something in similar. And since I liked the way Harvey Diamond addressed his ideas in his book, I thought this other Warrior Diet book thing will be just as good. Well I'm one third of a way through now and I'm confused. There's too much technical terms in it. And it contradicts a lot of my old belief. Like consuming meat and vitamins and mineral and so on. I don't believe in taking anything in the pill form for substitution for your health. I believe it's all in the food that we choose to consume. Anyways, Ori (the writer) explained that we should have one main meal a day and that's at night. And each day there is a cycle, that you should undereat from the time you wake up till the evening and then overeat at dinner time. And during the day you want to consume a lot of 'live' food. They encouraged for some yogurt and stuff for protein. But I just feel like, to sum it all up, it's pretty much the more 'live/raw' food you eat, the better. And it's like what Harvey said, the higher the ratio between living food and cooked food, the better your health is. Ori doesn't suggests you should eat exclusively raw food but he encourages cooked food as well. Anyways, I'm just really tired of chasing for the answer to look the way I want to look. I know I have to love my body but I KNOW!! I KNOW DEEP DOWN INSIDE I CAN LOOK THE WAY I CAN SEE MYSELF LOOKING. Perhaps it is because I consume too much carb? Me eating too much icecream. I'm just so frustrated because my birthday is in less than 2 months and I'm going on a cruise in just over 2 months and I want to look good :(((((( I don't want to starve either.

So I'm quitting my job in December and I want to start fresh next year. Mum keeps asking me what I will be doing and I have no idea. All I know is that I want to leave and the place I am at right now is not the place for me. I was hoping Centerlink would support me while I'm jobless lol. But I should not have that mentality of being dependent on the government for finance. I'm hoping to do freelance work and also have a part-time job (3days maybe?) I want to make available my thursday so I can join evening college. I also want to make available on Saturday and Sunday for church and serving.

On Sunday afternoon I had 2 really horrible dreams and I didn't know why I had it. They both involve people dying, which scared me. Anyways, one was of D----'s dad passing away, which I thought was so odd. Another one was of me in my room, looking through my window and seeing a person who lives opposite my place standing near the balcony, then later jumped over and committed suicide. It really bothered me that they involved killing. Another dream I remembered was of me visiting Bondi beach and the beach parted into 2 and it reminded me of Jesus parting the Red Sea.

I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal what those dreams meant and I think this is what He said. He wants me to value life and the people around me because I don't know when they will live or die. He also told me that people's lives are in MY hand, and when I know they don't know Jesus and are struggling with life, I am literally allowing them to die without offering the medicine of life! - The Gospel. He said that if I don't speak up, I am guilty of that person's death and I will be responsible for their life.

It scared me, because I have no power, no words, no knowledge of how to even tell people about Jesus. I don't know how to do it. And like Robert Fergusson preached on Sunday night, he said we can only do what we do by the help of the Holy Spirit that Jesus sent.

I had the privilege of sharing Jesus with Nancy yesterday and every second and was yelling for help on the inside and I did not know how to explain to her that Jesus loves her and that I wanted to pray for her. Anyways long story short, we cried together for almost an hour (it felt like it). And I prayed for her, told Jesus loved her and that she has potential, that she needs Jesus in her life... She is a little skeptical because she doesn't trust anyone and doesn't believe anything will help. I just hope Jesus heals her hand and give her a miracle and let her know that JESUS IS REAL!! I really hope James and Nancy comes to Christ. I know for sure that He is working in their hearts at the moment.

At least now I know the correlation between my dream and what happened the next day. I think it was God speaking to me about Nancy. That I needed to intervene. That he has sent me to speak to her and it was my responsible to do so no matter what the outcome is like. No matter if she didn't except him. At least I was obedient and did what God told me.

I can't believe this year is ending so quickly... I really wonder what I will be like at the end of the year. Brian said "He has crowned the year with his goodness" so I'm really believing for a different me.

Anyways, I'm so tired.....

Just too tired...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Emotional Eating

So I just came back from Elevate night at Hills and it was amazing. I got home around 11:20pm and that was very late. I was feeling hungry as well. On top of that I'm getting very bad sore throat and sniffles. It's not good at all.

I've been emotionally eating a lot lately and I recognise it, but can't seems to stop. I hate how I eat so healthy around people but when I'm on my own, I tend to lose control. Maybe it's because a second presence around me help me to think twice about my choices. I'm on my 44th day since the first day starting out Bodyrock again. And I wish I could've got more results. But I guess there's only one person that's responsible and that's me. I think I could have made better food choices here and there. But most of the time, I think I did the best I could. I hate how my body is so used to itself and losing weight is so difficult. I know I'm getting stronger and my tummy is slimmer, but not as slim as I want. I feel stronger and I feel more toned but I still need to get rid of lots and lots of fat layers.

I hate how I just ate so much chips. And why? I didn't know why, and then I realised that maybe it was because I was feeling unwell physically. That's what usually triggers it.

Will this time be different.

Will I get the body that I want by my birthday. I have 9 weeks left. Will I make it.

I'm depressed thinking about how much I want to go to the beach and can't show my body. Hate how I hate my arms. Hate how it's hot and I'd love to wear shorts but I hate my legs.

If you were to ask me what I like about myself, it is a very difficult question to answer. I'd probably say, my face skin. Not my arms :( Don't like my broad shoulders or muscly calves, large hips, flat chest, shortness.....etc I don't like much about myself at all. It's a very bad thing to dwell on....

It really sucks.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

anger, sadness, bitterness

I feel like a zombie. I feel fat. I hate myself.

Why??? Why do I feel this way when I just went to church. Why do I feel this way when I just prayed for people to receive the Holy Spirit. Why do I feel this way when I was being so attentive at church saying yes and amen to everything. What is wrong with me? Why is my attitude like this? Why am I full of envy and jealousy and depression. Why??

My heart burns with all these thoughts. All these things in my mind... I don't know what to do. Just when I thought this night will be a new beginning for me, I'm stuck in a rut now. I don't know what to do.

My hurt burns with this deep desire. I don't even know what that desire is.

I'm glad I spent time with God and cried out to Him today. Had I not done so, I don't know what would've happened between mum and myself. I don't know how the conversations would've turned out like otherwise.

I feel like I'm depriving myself.

I feel fat and I just want to make myself feel better. Should I not eat. Should I eat. Even if I eat, I know I have to eat something healthy and it bothers me. Because when you are full of anger, nothing really satisfy you....

I hate everything right now.

I hate how I have to work tomorrow and do training tomorrow.

Hate how it's only one person 'K__' that is training and she doesn't even have the right attitude to learn. Hate how I didn't have time to clean this morning.

Hate how I'm so negative .... :(

My heart feels so burdened. Feels so heavy. Feels so restless.

I wonder what I'm doing wrong... I'm wondering what I could have done better. I wonder why we are not growing. I'm wondering if people are being influenced or impacted in a great way or if it's just a typical social. Why is it that we put so much effort into making things happen and the turn out is not even the same as people who leave things till the last minute.

In all honesty, my competitiveness is coming out...

I'm just really sad. I'm sad that things are not happening the way I was hoping it would happen. My team is dispersing in all different direction. I'm sad that I'm not getting as much help as I'd like.

But why am I so negative??? Why am I focusing on what I lack instead of focusing on what God has already given.

Jesus. I just want to cry right now. I hate how I am, I hate how negative I am. I hate how I don't know what the next step it. I just want your favour and I want you to grow us!!!

I put so much effort into doing what you want to do and I really want to see the fruits that is coming out....but  I'm not sure if I see any, or much at all. I might not know it all hey. It's not about what I do, but it's about what you do. I know that. But didn't you appoint me in this position. Didn't you give me a desire for the whole Hillsong Bus to be filled? Weren't you the one who gave that??? Jesus then when is it happening??

Where do you want me to go after this. After leaving this job of mine. Which direction should I take. I'm leaving out of faith and have no idea what my next step is? Should I continue hairdressing? Should I get back to interior designing? What should I do??

I'm so sick of being confused. I just need clarity. I know everything is based on faith but Jesus you have to show me the next step!!! You have to show me where you want me to go from here. You need to show me what you want me to teach tomorrow. You need to show me where to go this weekend. You need to help me with the banner and stuff. I need you!!

You need to intervene, you need to help me.

I just want to give up. I just don't want to have withstand this any longer. And I know this is nothing compare to what other people go through. But I'm really feel like I've just about to have enough. I am seriously mentally drained. My heart is there, but where is my mind....

My body.

My work.

My team.

My life.

My dream.

Where will they all go.

I'm so sick of everything...


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wanting to get away

So it is now the 8th of September. It's passed midnight and I really need to put my thoughts into words...

France, Paris... I think I belong there. My heart has always been drawn towards that place and I desperately want to go back. I'd love to live there. I don't know why but I really do believe it's God's desire for me to be there ultimately. I don't know for how long.

Don't know how long I will be doing hairdressing anymore. My interest in doing shoots is loosing.. Or perhaps, it is still there but my love for God is more. I prioritise God much more now. It's hard though: when there's an amazing shoot that is happening on a Sunday and I know I shouldn't do it. It's not about not working on a Holy Day, it's more symbolic of choosing to place God before other things, and the bigger the sacrifice, the more love you have for that person. I know soon, one day soon..very soon, I will have to be faced with that situation, but what will I say, what will happen? The opportunities I've always wanted is slipping out of my hands... I know it's coming..

But I choose you. I choose Jesus. And this life isn't about hairdressing. This life is about You. This life is about bringing people home to you. It's about living out my purpose. I don't even know what my purpose is...

And I don't want to have to think about guys anymore. I don't want to have to wonder about all these unnecessary thoughts anymore. I have to focus and keep looking to Jesus. I have to settle my own insecurities first. My own issues first. I have to really love myself first before I can believe that someone truly loves me.

I still wants cosmetic surgery.. There's one thing that really bothers me and I really want to get it done.

I'm doing well with my eating and exercise so far, I think it must be day 16 or something. But I'm happy for what I've done. I know progress don't come overnight and I have to be consistent.

Every time I get sad about 'man/love' issue; I just want to get away and work out.

I just want to be different. I don't want to blend in.

I want to look after my body.

Every time I get sad about the fact that, 'that' person hasn't arrived, it makes me want to work harder on myself because I want to give him the best me!

I want to get a tattoo for my birthday. I've been wanting it for at least 2 years now but have never had the guts to really do it. I wanted to do it for my birthday last year, but didn't. I really want to do it this year.

It's quite sad and scary to think that I will be gone in 3 months time. That I'm leaving them for good. I don't know if they have any idea or if they already expecting me to leave. I don't know if they would be happy for me to leave or would be sad that I'm leaving. I guess it doesn't really matter. I think he would be happy because he pays less wage.

I don't even know what job I will be doing. I just want something casual, temporarily and then I want to get out of here and explore the world. I would love to work at Watoto and then go Paris.

I'm sad because I will truly miss my clients. I really miss them. I will truly really miss them. But I guess they will move on. They will eventually find someone who does just a good job or even better.

I've lost quite a few clients... due to the fact that they decide to have someone else. I'm happy for that person, but it just pushes me to be better at my craft. But then again, truly I've only been doing this for 3 years. And I think for the amount of time I've been doing hairdressing, God has worked through me so much, I don't know how to thank him enough. Thank you Jesus.

I just want my body to look different.

And what about tomorrow, the afterparty....

Thinking about it makes me really restless because I haven't had the chance to speak to my team members one to one. And the attendance haven't been great. Barely anyone RSVP...

I don't know what to do but just hope for the best. Just pray that Jesus will work through us, and help make His presence known.

Just feel like giving up....

What will be the fruits of this....

jesus. I can't do this on my own. I can't.

I need your help, I need you to pull everything together. have people to be there. show people we do care and you care and you love us.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Life update.

So I haven't written anything here in a very long time. Mainly because I don't access to the computer much and so I forgot to make a note here. However, my note books have been filled up consistently. It is the 2nd of September today, it is Father's Day and also my little sister's birthday. I have to remember to go get her a cake. I didn't get her a birthday present. I don't know what to get her... but I think I still need to get her something for her sweet 16.

How's life lately for me? Work has been okay. My boss just came back from his trip in Toronto. It's been so quite, but was busy yesterday for the first time in a long time. I'm thinking of leaving soon and pursue what God has installed for me. I'm not exactly sure on what God is wanting to do through me but I know I'm preparing myself for a new season.

Afterparty is going okay. The attendance has decreased quite a lot but I think it's due to the weather. It's just too cold. Although, it doesn't really matter about the amount of people we get, because only Jesus brings people. I think as long as I am faithful with what he has given me then that's all that matters. I'm blessed to have such amazing people around but praying that he will equip them and myself to do more for him.

My connect group is going well too. I'm glad I have to go through the journey, we're getting more consistent with our attendance now but I still need spend more quality times with people. It's hard when I have work and other commitments with serving and planning for church. I'm quite excited to dedicate more of my time for Jesus.

So at the end of the year, I've already booked a cruise to Queensland for 10 days. It will be amazing. I'm very excited because I've never been on a cruise before.

I've been eating very healthily as well. It's the 13th day possibly. I've been extremely good compare to other times. I think the last time I was this strict with my eating was 3 years ago. I hope it can be consistent. I've been experiencing self esteem and weight issue as long as I could remember and I've never been entirely happy with how I am. I'm hoping this year will be different. I know it takes hard work and that's why I'm willing to do it. I'm so thankful that God brought back my love for fitness and health. The other night at church I put in a praise report and said how I was thankful for  Jesus, for giving me back my love for fitness and Nathan Miller read it out to the church. I just couldn't stop giggling on the inside because no one knows that it was me! I'm really thankful for Jesus for giving me the momentum. Thank you Jesus so much. I'm really hoping I will look the way I've been hoping in a long time. I know that physical appearance is not the most important thing but as a physical being we need to look after what God has put in our control. I thank God everyday for his provision.

I want to look back to this year and at least be happy for some things that I've set out as my new year resolution. One of the things I've always wanted to do was Salsa dancing. I've always wanted to try it out for so long now!! Although I didn't try that, I did try the Samba workshop last week at Latin Dance Australia, and it was a lot of fun. I'm really hoping to pursue that but it's so hard to find a class that doesn't overlap my working hours or connect group.

Apart of me still feel as though Jesus is urging me to learn Italian. He's been speaking to me since last year after my Europe trip, but I don't see any possible way of learning it. It's even harder not knowing why I have to learn it when he wants to take me to Paris.

I'm really hoping to go Paris next year. But where will I get the money. What will I do there. What job will I take after the come back from the trip.... I really need Jesus to take care of me.

Another thing is ...... It's hard to say. But there's someone that I liked/like, and not sure if it's right to like that person. It's just sad knowing that they don't know that you like them. What's even sadder is that I'm a traditional girl and doesn't initiate or approach. I believe the man will pursue you otherwise it is not mutual. Sometimes I wonder how long I have to wait and if Jesus says I will meet someone when I'm overseas then when will that me. That means I will not meet someone till next year or even the time after that. Yet I know whether or not we have someone, we still need to be happy with ourselves, single or attached.

I was watching a video on youtube today all about allowing that perfect man to find you etc.. and it comforted me a little. It wouldn't bother me as much if I did not like anyone, but if I do find interest in someone it's hard to forget about it and think that he's not the one. Maybe I just have to accept that fact. Probably he is not the one.

Maybe God is telling me that I still need to take care of myself. There are still issues with myself that I need to deal with.

1. A man in the presence of God
2. A man who has a job
3. A man who inspires you, protect you, cover you, nurture you.

How long do I have to wait...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

You are never really ready by Steven Furtick

Answering God's Call Not About Feeling Ready: Pastor

Friday, Jul. 6, 2012 Posted: 8:00:35PM HKT

Elevation Church Pastor Steven Furtick preached at a Hillsong Conference in 
Sydney for the first time on Tuesday, telling thousands of people in attendance
and an online audience that God doesn't need anyone to "feel ready" to answer
their calling.

"Abraham wasn't ready. Moses wasn't ready … The disciples were never ready 
and they never got it. Even when they got it they still didn't get it … each time
 they were ready they started to doubt because their faith was in their readiness,
said Furtick, referring to people and stories in the Bible that included reluctant participants in God's plans.

"I certainly wasn't ready when I was 16 years old and God saved me."

Furtick spoke on the second day of the five-day conference that began Monday.
 In the last 25 years, Hillsong Conference leaders say their main focus has been to "create a place for people of all ages who 
are passionate about their local church and to empower them with purpose for the Kingdom of God."

The 32-year-old pastor, who leads the Charlotte, N.C., church of more than 10,000 members, said it was one sentence from 
the book Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, that gave him the inspiration to start a church.

"The sentence was 'I despaired at the thought that my life might slip by without God moving greatly on our behalf,'" Furtick
 said. "The Lord used that one sentence because when the word of the Lord comes to you like it came to Jeremiah, it doesn't 
have to say much to do a lot. In one sentence God put a desire in my heart – 'one day you're going to start a big church to
 reach a lot of people who are far from God in a big city somewhere in the United States of America.'"

He continued, "I've never been ready. I wasn't ready when we started the church. I didn't feel ready when the church started to
 grow, thousands of people were coming to Christ, but the church got bigger than the town I grew up in. I wasn't ready for that."

However, in his own life and in other people's lives, Furtick said he believes God isn't concerned about one's readiness.

"Since God doesn't need you to feel ready – news flash – He just wants you to obey and follow Him. God doesn't need you to 
feel ready for what He's calling you to do," he explained.

Furtick then began to describe the justifications for those who are held back in their lives because of "not being ready."

"I know you got that one sin you can't get over. You'll be ready when you conquer that. No. I know you got that debt that you're
 going to pay down that will take you about four years, then you will be ready for generosity. You'll be able to speak into
 someone else's life when you know more of the Bible. You'll be ready to make a difference in your community when your
 church has more resources, more instruments, and more musicians… and [then] you'll be ready," he said. "But God doesn't 
call me to feel ready. He calls me to follow Him. Step out. Have faith. Move forward."

Furtick said people can move forward with what God has in store for them by not living to "be impressive." He compared how
 some people may feel with those auditioning for the TV show "The Voice."

"Cancel the audition, you've already got the part. A lot of people spend their whole lives waiting on somebody to hit a button,
 turn around, and choose them," he said. "A lot of believers spend their whole walk with God performing, trying out, feeling bad,
 waiting on God to hit a button and turn around and say now He loves you. God said before you were born 'I chose you.'"

Other guest speakers at the conference include Joyce Meyer, Louie Giglio, and Joseph Prince. Guest worship leaders include 
Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman. The Hillsong team is composed of Brian Houston, Bobbie Houston, Joel Houston, Reuben 
Morgan, Joel A'Bell, and Julia A'Bell.

Hillsong Conference 2012 will be heading to Europe with conferences planned in the Netherlands and Sweden in October.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

life evaluation

You've attracted the things in your life because of the person you've become.

If you will change, everything will change for you.

To have more, you will have to become more.

It's not the blowing of the wind that determines your future, it's the set of the sail. Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. You can do the most remarkable thing no matter what happens.

We get pay for bringing the value to the market place (reality).

It takes time to bring value, but we don't get pay for time. We get pay for the value we put in the time.

Become more valuable and you'll get pay more. 

$4/hr = not very valuable to the market place (reality)

You can't get rich by demand. 

It's easier to climb than to wait for a raise.

Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.

If you work hard on your job, you'll make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you'll make a fortune. 

Don't change the sea, let what's available work for you. 

Work on your personality, your language, your communication skills. 

Review your performance.

Always do more than what you get pay for, to make an investment for your future.

If it's raining you don't fix the roof. If it's not raining you don't need to fix the roof.

Face your fears.

Don't dismiss them. Face them. What can you do to change.

Exercise your will power.

Admit your mistakes. I'm sorry.

It can start a whole new relationship, in a new direction.

Admit your mistakes to yourself.

Refine your goals.

Believe in yourself.

There isn't a skill you can't learn. There isn't a book you can't read.

Ask for wisdom.

Conserve your time.

You don't have an unlimited supply

Invest your profits.

Protect your family.

Live with intensity.

Invest more of you in whatever you do.

Demand integrity from yourself.

Be the best example of loyalty, and you'll have the best loyal followers.

Welcome the discipline.

Fight for what's right.

'I fought a good fight'-

Fight and keep faith. 

Question we normally ask ourselves.


Ask why not?

Why not you?

Why not now?

HAPPY    +








You don't offer opportunity a need.

Opportunity is attracted by talent and ability.

Don't make your employee, your banker.

Make your banker, your banker.

An entry through my phone a while ago

Although I don't need to know the reasons for everything but I really do wonder why these things have to happen. I know they all happen together for the good with those who love Him. I know that they all happen for God's Kingdom and glory but why?

Is God trying to show me the Dad that He is? And is He trying to show me that Jesus is the ultimate God after all? That all our biological fathers are carriers not the creators? That I was born through my parents not from them? That God made us all by His glorious power?

For whatever that reasons may be. I do not want to waste my time and ask if God doesn't want me to know just yet. All I have to say is, after everything, I finally know who my real father is. And it is He who resides in heaven, who made me and loved me even when I did not know Him. He loved the one who spits on him, who rebuked His name, who insulted him and despise his greatness and glory. I'm glad at least I have Jesus in the midst of all the troubles.

I don't need to turn to anyone but Jesus. He is all I need. I know how my dad is and how he will turn out like. All I ask is for him to ultimately realise the love my mum has for him and all that she has sacrificed during their relationship. I do not pray that curses will be upon him or that he should suffer for the rest of his life. I know for a fact that the rest of his life would be a very lonely one, which is so unfortunately. But you know what, I still care and love him because he is my father, he is my dad. And even if all this happen, I will never forget those loving moments we had together in previous years. I miss it so much when he laughs and be all cheery. I missed those days when my parents were happy together, and when we were all together lovingly enjoying the complete company of one another. But those days were gone, as everything has its timing.

God, but I honestly lost so much respect for him, after everything he has done. I feel so much pity for the man that mum once loved. I feel sorry for him because his mind is so limited. And I know what you would call him, you'd call him a "fool". There is no need to explain anything to such person, because they will not understand it even if you try. I don't know how my dad has reached this far. I don't understand how his character can change so much. I don't understand why.

I thought the things he said would hurt me more, but I felt like there was a wall of glass surrounding my heart blocking out everything negative that was said about me. It was like God was trying to let me know that what my dad said isn't reality. That the truth is my father in heaven cares about me and will never forsake me. I could not believe my dad was going to hit me. I honestly feel like HE CAN NEVER TOUCH ME by the BLOOD OF CHRIST! I dare him to! He can never touch me or lay his hands on me because the spirit is upon me and God protects me.  I could not believe it when he said that he never wanted to come to Australia. THEN WHY THE HELL DID HE SIGN ALL THE DOCUMENTS? Why does he have to blame mum for taking him here? Why does he even have to tell me to ask mum? He makes it seem like it costed him so something so significant to get to where he is, or that he has to sacrifice something so great to come to Australia. Yeah, something sooo significant, namely his wild field of "freedom" called "Vietnam" where he is free to meet, greet, spend his money and live his life as a "SINGLE" man even though technically he is still married. I can't believe how mum can bare such pain for so long. How she can forgive him of ALL THOSE WRONGS dad did. I mean, THOSE ARE SO HUGE! Seriously, they've got to be a collection of the deepest sin wronged by a husband/man. Gambling, drinking, smoking, cheating, cursing, abuse: verbally and physically. And times that by a BILLION! How many people has he cheated with? Hrm, I don't even know. Like 5 - 6 or even way more. Who knows how many when he goes to the brothel. The worst part is, he cheated with my parent's friend! A person who I also call mum! A neighbour as well! What is wrong with this corrupted world. And what about all the money he has spent on gambling! probably thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars. I mean, just the previous week, he has spent more than 2 grean

You will

You will and that's the truth

Hold onto your dream

Never it up for anyone....

The Praying Life: Teaching with Paula White

An amazing video! Must watch!!!  

Teaching Part 2 with Archbishop Duncan Williams

Teaching Part 3 with Shane Perry

You are better than what you settle for. God knows it! He designed you that way - and He has so much more for you than you even know! Seek Him! -Paula

Pottery Presentation by Pat Lazovich

God is the Potter, We are the Clay

One of the most powerful analogies in the Bible regarding our transformation and sanctification in the Lord has to be the analogy of the potter and the clay. The Bible says that God is the Potter and we are the clay. It is up to God to mold, transform, and sanctify us as we journey through this earthly life.
Whenever God gives us a specific analogy in the Bible, this means that we have to seek into the revelation of that analogy in order to pick up what He is trying to tell us with the analogy. If we do, then we will see exactly what God is trying to tell us in reference to the actual analogy itself. In other words, we have to find exactly how pottery is made if we want to fully understand what God is trying to tell us in this most incredible analogy.
Here is the key verse from Scripture that will give us this specific revelation that God is the Potter and we are His clay:
“But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8)
I have never made pottery myself, so I had no idea how it was actually made. But I always had a feeling that God would somehow bring someone along that would show and demonstrate how this process is actually done so we can see exactly how this analogy fits into what God wants to do with each one of us in our own personal growth in Him.
I recently received a DVD from a friend who had a pastor by the name of Pat Lazovich come to their church. Pat used to make pottery before God called him into full time ministry work. As a result of his previous experience in actually making pottery, God now has him traveling to different churches, giving real live demonstrations on exactly how pottery is made, and then how this analogy perfectly fits in and lines up with how God wants to mold, shape, and transform all of us in our personal growth in Him.
I reviewed the entire DVD, and his demonstration and explanation of this analogy was excellent. I cannot recommend this man highly enough with his demonstration on the potter and the clay. If any of you would like to have him come to your church to do this demonstration for you, he is the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel in Sierra Vista, AZ.
In this article, I will give you the main steps on exactly how pottery is made, and then the appropriate explanations on how all of this fits into the analogy that God is the Potter and we are His clay.
Grab a hold of this very powerful revelation, because it will both visually and dramatically show you not only how God molds and transforms us in this life, but exactly why He does some of the things He does with us in this molding process, as this process can be quite painful and unpleasant at times.
I will break down the main steps on how pottery is actually made, along with the appropriate explanations as to how all of this perfectly fits into God’s actual sanctification with us under the specific captions below.

1. God Needs the Word in Us Before He Can Start the Sanctification Process

The first thing Pat will show you is the lump of clay that he will actually use to make the piece of pottery he is looking to make. Before Pat can put this piece of clay on an electric wheel to start the actual molding process to make the kind of pottery he wants to make, he first has to add enough WATER into it in order to make it pliable and soft enough for him to be able to actually use it. If he does not add enough water into the clay, the clay will remain too hard and rigid for him to be able to actually use.
When the water is added into the clay, it makes the clay soft and pliable. If the clay is not soft and pliable enough, the potter cannot begin to use it to make the pottery he wants to make. The analogy for us to pick up on this first step is that the water used in this process represents the Word of God.
Here is a good verse giving us the actual revelation that the word “water” in the Bible is symbolic of the Word of God. In other words, the Word of God is like water to our souls. Just like our physical bodies need water in order to be able to live and survive in this world, in the same way our souls need God’s Word flowing through us in order to feed us on the inside in our inner man.
” … that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.” (Ephesians 5:26)
What this is telling us is that God cannot even begin to mold and transform us in this life unless we are first willing do our part. And our part has to be to get into His Word and try to read, understand, and assimilate what is in the Bible as best we can, with the Holy Spirit also helping us to understand what we are actually reading.
The Bible says that we are to grow in the knowledge of God, and one of the main ways that you will grow in the knowledge of God is to read from the one Book that will give you this direct knowledge – the Bible! There is no other way into the knowledge of God other than through the Bible.
If you do not spend enough reasonable time in this life trying to read from the Bible and assimilate the actual knowledge that is in this Book as best you can, then God will have very little to work with in your own personal growth with Him, and you will see very little, if any actual spiritual growth in Him in this life.
The reason why so many of God’s saints are not spiritually growing in this life and being properly sanctified in the Holy Spirit is because they are not spending enough time trying to read and understand the Bible as best they can, and then see how the actual knowledge in this Book can be implemented into their daily lives.
The Holy Spirit needs something to work with in order to get this growth process kicked into full gear – and that something is knowledge – and that knowledge can only be gained by reading the Bible. There is no other way!
Just as the potter cannot use the clay unless there is enough water added into it – in the same way God cannot start the sanctification process in our lives unless we first start to get enough of the Word in us. The Word cannot start to effectively work in you and your life unless you first start to attempt to get it into you in the first place.
So without question, the very first step you have to take, if you really want God to mold and shape you into the kind of person He really wants you to become in Him in this life, is to spend enough reasonable time in the Word – trying to understand, with the help of the Holy Spirit, all of the knowledge that is contained in it, and exactly how all of this knowledge can be incorporated into your personal life and walk with the Lord.

2. You Have to Be Properly “Centered” in Jesus Christ

After Pat adds enough water into the clay to make it soft and pliable so he can now start to work with it – the next thing he will do is put the piece of clay in the center of an electric wheel. This wheel will then start to spin so he can then use his hands to start the molding and shaping process with the clay as it is actually spinning on the wheel.
However, if the piece of clay is not properly centered in the middle of the wheel, then he will not be able to work with it, and he will not be able to make the pottery he wants to make.
Pat said having the lump of clay perfectly centered in the middle of the electric wheel is the first step in being able to actually make a piece of pottery. If he tries to make a piece of pottery with a lump of clay that is not properly centered in the middle of the wheel, it will eventually tear apart before he can finish the process.
In the same way that the clay has to be properly centered in the middle of the wheel before the potter can even begin to mold and shape it – we have to be properly centered in Jesus Christ before God can start to mold and shape us.
So what does it mean to be properly centered in Jesus? I believe what it means to be properly centered in Jesus is that you have to be under a complete and full surrender of you and your entire life with Him where He is now in full control of your entire life. Jesus has to become both Lord and Savior in your life, not just your Savior. Too many Christians do not have Jesus as the real Lord in their lives.
Again, this is all fully explained to you in our article titled, “The Full Surrender” in the Bible Basics section of our site. In this article we give you all of the main verses from Scripture to show you exactly what this full surrender is all about, along with a good full surrender prayer that will actually get you into this realm with the Lord.
Bottom line – you have to enter into God’s perfect will for your life before He will start to guide both you and your life in the direction that He will want to take it in. God will not fully guide you to your divine destiny in Him, and fully sanctify you to the degree that He would really like in this life unless you first come into this full surrender with Him. It’s your all for His all.
Just like the potter cannot mold the piece of clay into the piece of pottery that he is trying to make unless it is perfectly centered in the middle of the wheel – in the same way the Lord cannot begin to properly work with us in this life unless we are perfectly centered in Him in this full surrender.
Pat actually shows this with a piece of clay. With it not being properly centered in the middle of the wheel, he gets it about halfway to where it needs to go and then all of a sudden it rips and tears apart from the wheel – all because it was not perfectly centered in the middle of the wheel in the first place.
In the same way, if we try to live our lives without Jesus leading and guiding the way, our lives will eventually fall apart and we will never reach and fulfill the divine destiny to which God has called each one of us in this life. This is why Jesus tells us in His Word that without Him we can do absolutely nothing in this life – and that if we try to build our own houses in this life without His direct guidance, that we will end up laboring “in vain” if we try to do it all through our own efforts and wisdom.
Here is the verse that will give us this specific piece of revelation:
“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.” (Psalm 127:1)

3. Sanctification is a Slow, Steady, and Progressive Process

The next thing that Pat points out is how “slow” and “steady” the electric wheel turns as he is using his hands to mold the pot. He explains that to get the lump of clay to the pot he wants to make, that the wheel has to turn at this slow and steady pace. If he speeds up the wheel to any faster degree, the lump of clay will again tear completely apart before he can make it to the finish line.
In the same way, we have to have patience with the Lord on how He wants to work and build our lives up in Him. In our fast-paced, self-centered world, we are use to instant everything. But in God’s realm, He usually works things out in a much slower time frame than we are used too. And if we do not learn how to go with His slower flows and time frames, we could end up getting very frustrated and impatient, and then eventually end up losing our peace and joy in Him, not to mention our possible calls in Him.
Just as a teenager will get stretch marks on their skins if they grow too fast during puberty, in the same way we have to let God build us up in Him in this slow and steady manner. If we try to push the envelope too far and too fast with Him, different parts of our lives could totally unravel and fall apart.
Not waiting on God’s timing on who you should be marrying in this life could cause you to marry the wrong person in this life. Not waiting on the next new job you should be taking could cause you to take a major wrong turn in the divine destiny that God already has planned out for your life, and it could then end up costing you years of wasted and unproductive time, if not completely cause you to lose your entire call in Him all together.
Just as a good potter has to take his time when molding and forming out this piece of pottery as it is spinning on the wheel – in the same way God has to mold, shape, and transform all of us in this same, slow, and steady manner. This is why one of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit is the fruit of patience. We all need the patience of the Holy Spirit operating in us to help keep us in God’s timing with how He wants to work things out in our lives, especially in the fast-paced world in which we all live in.

4. God’s Hand Will Personally Mold, Shape, and Transform You

The next thing you need to grab a hold of in your sanctification in the Lord, is that it is literally the hand of God Himself, operating through the Holy Spirit on the inside of you, that will supernaturally transform and sanctify you. This is a direct, supernatural work done by the Holy Spirit Himself.
Once Pat has the lump of clay properly centered in the middle of the wheel, and enough water has been added into the clay to make it soft and pliable to work with, then Pat starts the actual molding process with the lump of clay.
What he first does as the lump of clay is spinning on the wheel is to take his hand and push it down on the top of the clay to create an opening in it. Once this opening has been made at the top of the clay, Pat’s hand then goes down deep inside the middle of the clay as it is forming out, and he then uses his hands to properly shape the piece of clay as it is building up during this spinning process on the wheel.
Pat’s hands are thus working on both the inside and outside of the clay to mold, shape, and transform it into the pot he wants to make as it continues to spin on the wheel. His hands are literally making and forming all of this out with this original shapeless lump of clay. Pat says that he cannot make a pot unless his hands go down deep in the middle of that pot as it is forming out.
In the same way, God’s own hand literally goes down deep into the middle of our souls and spirits where the inner sanctification work is actually done – to mold and transform us into the saints He wants us to become in Him. This is why we have to give God a full, solid, green light to do this type of inner sanctification work in us, as He needs our full cooperation in order to be able to get that deep on the inside of us.
Since God is doing the actual supernatural work on the inside of us, it can become rather painful and unpleasant at times, since He will be removing all of the bad and negative qualities that He will not want us to have operating in our personalities – and at the same time, instilling and imparting all of the good, positive, and godly qualities that He will want us to have.
Pat also has to apply a good amount of pressure with his hands as he is molding and shaping this lump of clay. In the same way, God has to apply some serious pressure on all of us from time to time in order to get us to change to become the kind of person He wants us to become in Him.
Removing toxic qualities such as pride, arrogance, bad tempers, and lust can all be very painful due to our flesh wanting to keep these negative qualities operating in our personalities. But let God do this inner surgery work in you through the Holy Spirit, and you will eventually be molded and shaped into the godly saint that He is calling you to become in Him – and true joy, happiness, and fulfillment will be all yours in this life.

5. Let God Develop You to Your Fullest Potential in This Life

The next thing Pat will show you is that as his hands start to work with both the inside and outside of the clay, the lump of clay now starts to actually grow as it continues to spin on the wheel. It starts to get bigger and taller.
However, he then all of a sudden stops working the clay, with it being about half-way to where it needs to go. He then points out that we all need to let God take us as far as He will want to take us in this life. He said no one is going to pay for a pot that is only half-done and half-completed.
In the same with with the Lord, we should not quit and bail out on Him as we are about half-way up the mountain He is wanting us to climb in our calls and divine destiny in Him. We always need to continue to press on and let God take us as far as He wants to take us in this life. Too many Christians quit and bail out on the Lord as they are about half-way up the mountain He is asking them to climb for Him. As a result, they never find out how much further they could have gone with God had they just continued to press further on.
Pat says that once you start this process with the Lord, let Him decide how far He wants to take you in this life, and do not be afraid if God really wants to stretch your abilities and horizons in the divine plan that He has already set up for your life.
You only have one chance in the eternal scheme of things to leave your mark in this world in the calling that God has placed on your life. Let God take you as far as He wants to go and you won’t ever have to worry about having any second regrets once you leave and depart from this life and enter into heaven for all of eternity. You can leave this life knowing that you have fully accomplished everything that the Lord was wanting you to accomplish for Him if you just stay the course with Him and do not bail out due to fear or laziness.

6. God Knows Exactly What He Wants to Do With Your Life

The next thing Pat will point out as he is building this piece of clay into the exact pot he wants to make, is that he knows exactly what kind of pot he is going to make before he even starts the process. He knows exactly how tall and how wide it will end up being, because he already has a perfect plan for the pot before he even begins to sit down to start to work with it.
In the same way, God the Father already has our lives perfectly planned out for all of us. He knows exactly what He wants us to become in our callings in Him, who we should be marrying in this life, how many children He would like us to have, and exactly how to get to all of these specific milestones so we can make it there safely and in one piece.
Just as the piece of clay needs to fully trust the potter to make it into the exact pot he wants to make – in the same way we need to fully trust the Lord to mold, shape, and transform our personalities, along with leading our lives into the specific directions that He will want to take them in.
Since God is all-perfect and all-powerful and we are not – then it only stands to reason that we can fully trust God to build the “house” of our lives in Him rather than us trying to do it all on our own efforts and wisdom, or the wisdom and efforts of anyone else in our lives.

7. Do Not Stretch Beyond the Boundary Lines That God Has Set Up For Your Life

The next thing Pat will show you is that even though you want to make this pot into what you had originally designed it to be, you need to be very careful that you do not make this pot too tall or too wide and go beyond what your original design and plan for the pot was. If you do, it will tear apart and completely unravel, thereby completely destroying what you were originally wanting to do with the pot in the first place.
In the same way with the Lord – though we are to press on and go as far as God will be wanting to take us in this life in our specific callings in Him, we also have to realize there is another side to this two-sided coin. We also have to make sure that we do not stretch beyond what God is calling us to do for Him, or stretch into positions that He does not want us going into.
If God is calling you to be an attorney, pastor, or doctor – do not try and stretch into other callings that He does not want you to be going into. If God is calling you to play third base on His team, do not try and stretch into the position of the shortstop or left-fielder.
Stay in the boundary lines that God will be setting up in your life. If you stretch beyond those boundary lines, you will stretch beyond your divine calling and there will thus be no anointing, no protection, and no fruit for you in those other endeavors. God knows exactly how far He wants to take us in this life and we need to respect the boundary lines that He will be setting up for our lives.
Billy Graham was called to be an evangelist and he perfectly stayed in that calling during his entire life. He did not try to be a musician or a pastor. He stayed within the boundary lines that God had initially set up for his life and as a result, he will end up going down as one of the greatest evangelists of all time because of all of the good fruit he has produced for the Lord in that specific calling.

8. God’s Eyes and Attention Are Always on You

Another good point that Pat brings up is that his eyes are always on the clay once he starts to work with it. If he takes his eyes and attention off the pot as he is shaping and molding it, he could make a big mistake and damage the pot in the process.
In the same way, once we come into this full surrender with the Lord, God will never take His eyes and attention off you. You will always have His complete and undivided attention, since He is omnipresent and no respecter of persons. God obviously has His eyes on everyone since He is omnipresent, but until you come into that full surrender with Him, He will not start to work and build up your life in the direction that He will want it to go in.
What this means is that you can fully trust God to complete the work that He has begun with you until the day you die and depart from this earth. As a result, you will be able to leave this life with most, if not all of your divine missions fully accomplished for Him as long as you stay the course and do not bail out on Him anywhere along the way.

9. God Will Always Be Doing Major Pruning in Your Life

The last thing that Pat will do is to take a knife and start cutting off any excess clay that has accumulated around the pot as he was molding and shaping it on the spinning wheel. What Pat is doing is smoothing out all of the rough edges so the pot turns out complete and beautiful to the natural eye.
In the same way, God will always be pruning out different things and different qualities that He will not be wanting you to have in this life. God may want to prune out some of the bad and negative friends you are hanging out with due to the negative influences they may be having on you and your spiritual development in Him.
He may also want to prune out some bad habits you may still have on you such as smoking cigarettes or the overeating of the wrong kinds of foods – and He will definitely be pruning out some of the bad and negative qualities you may still have operating in your personality such as some of the ones mentioned above.
Though this cutting and pruning can be very painful at times due to your attachments to some of the above things, just realize that it is always for your own good in the long run, and you will be much better off by going with the Lord on anything that He will want to prune out of your life or out of your personality. Resist God on this pruning and you may never reach to the heights, to the calling, and to the person that He will want you to become in Him in this life.

10. Let God Mold You Into the Specific Person He Wants You to Become in Him

After Pat completes the process of turning this lump of clay into a beautiful piece of pottery, he then makes the comment to let God mold and shape you into the specific person He wants you to become in Him, not what other people want you to become.
You have been created by God to be an unique person – unlike any other person that has ever been created and born into this world. Realize that only God can mold and shape you into the finished person that He wants you to become in Him.
God, as our Father and Potter, is the only One who has the full knowledge, the full power, and the full means to be able to truly sanctify us to become the beautiful, godly, and righteous saints He is calling all of us to become in Him in this life.


Watching Pat give a real live demonstration on how pottery is actually made leaves you with a very good visual image in your mind’s eye on the analogy of the Potter and the clay. Watching Pat’s hands literally take a hard, rigid, and shapeless piece of clay, and then turn it into a beautiful piece of pottery, perfectly lines up with what God wants to do with each one of us in this life.
Due to the fallen, sinful, and corrupt state that we have all been born into this world with, only God can mold, shape, and transform us into beautiful vessels of honor that will be fit for His use. Sanctification, when truly done by the Lord, is the highest state we should all be striving for in our own personal relationship with the Lord. The Holy Spirit is already on the inside of us ready, waiting, and willing to do this type of inner work on us.
In the Sanctification Section of our site, we have plenty of good articles giving you more information on what true sanctification in the Lord is all about and how to get this kind of process going with the Lord.
I will end this article by bullet pointing all of the above main pieces of revelation on the Potter and the clay so you can see how powerful and beautiful this analogy really is:
  • God Needs the Word in Us Before He Can Start the Sanctification Process
  • You Have to be Properly Centered in Jesus Christ (The Full Surrender)
  • Sanctification is a Slow, Steady, and Progressive Process
  • God’s Hand Will Personally Mold, Shape, and Transform You
  • Let God Develop You to Your Fullest Potential in This Life
  • God Knows Exactly What He Wants to Do With Your Life
  • Do Not Stretch Beyond the Boundary Lines that God Has Set Up For Your Life
  • God’s Eyes and Attention Are Always on You
  • God Will Always Be Doing Major Pruning in Your Life
  • Let God Mold You Into the Specific Person He Wants You to Become 
Once again, God the Father is giving all of us an incredible piece of revelation in His Word on this analogy of Him being the Potter and we being His clay.

By Mike

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