To do list

Sunday, May 30, 2010

First day.

So you might ask why I have started a blog. I've been wondering that myself. I guess I just want to keep track of my journey. I believe amazing things will happen very soon and I want to document every step of my way reaching to that destination God has planned for me.

I'm thinking: Is this too risky? For me to actually start something SO personal and let the whole world see? So many "what if" questions are popping up in my mind, but you know what? At the end of the day, I faithfully think that someday, someone's life will change, because of the following content within this blog.

Life is truly wonderful. I feel so blessed and church was amazing today. Although thinking about the fact that my own mother does not even know about or accept my belief is a very sad thing. I know one day, just one day... she will finally feel how I feel & fall in love like the way I fell in love with Him. Mum deserves so much more. More than my dad. But I guess my dad is my dad and if they didn't marry, I wouldn't be here today. Above all that's been happening, personally, socially & publically, one thing will always remain the same: I have a God who loves me, who cares for me, pours out his favours & is using me for a great purpose in His Kingdom.

I'm still on my search for the understanding to those "things" in my life. What does He want me to do? Who does He want me to marry? When will my family know God? When does He want me to travel? Do mission work? Go uni? Work? Get a job? ... ect...

The list goes on and on...

One of the book that has inpired me so much lately is called "Fasting" by Jentezen Franklin which encourages you to fast to really reach your full potential. Because only when you fast, will you be able to unlock that mystery you've longed to get wisdom for. I went a 3 days fast last week, and I got to say it was pretty amazing. I'm a type who loves to eat, I mean LOVES to eat, and if I see what I like, then I will probably eat it. What amazes me was the fact that I did not even feel hungry until the 2nd night or the 3rd morning. I just wanted to drink water and read God's words. I just want a revelation, an anointing, an understanding to my life! My future! I've never fasted before, that's why I decided to take on a 3 days challenge first, I think I will start another 7 days one really soon. . .

Actually, even tomorrow. Yes, maybe.

I mean. How bad do I want "this"? I want to really understand His vision for my life. I want His help to get me a job ASAP! I need Him to tell me which salon He wants me to work at! I thank Him for constantly inspiring me to be so much more and bringing talented people into my life and allow me to work with such wonderful individual.

Okay so ! YOU ARE DOING IT! 7 DAYS FAST starting from TOMOROW!

This is not cheating into getting your wills accomplished, but it's a reasonable service to show God that your top priority is Him.

On a random note: I feel like God is telling me to "take risks" during the church service today. . . hrm.... taking risks.... taking risks.....