To do list

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Life is wonderful.

Today was definitely a long day. However, I'm glad that I got my combine haircuts assessments out of the way. Thank you Jesus for just sorting things out although I did not plan any of them to come. Thank you for letting me do such a good job with both haircuts. Thank you Lord!

I felt a little restless today. But I'm okay. I'm just tired from the long day that's all. Oh MY GOSH! I just remembered that I have a colour theory assessment tomorrow haha. Well I will definitely get to that later on. For now I need my rest! I need to eat something too. But most importantly I need to bring my thoughts together for this blog. I know there are no followers right now, I am totally aware of that. BUT! This is why I like it.... for now. I like it because this is almost like a diary. I can access it anywhere & anytime. It's personal and no one knows about it. UNLESS they know the website, which they will then stalk me LOL.

I'm excited for the shoot tomorrow. I had to borrow the hot rollers from T&G. I need to invest in one real soon. But for now I think I should just borrow what I need. I'll spend the money when I really need it.

So, about the book I'm reading so far "50 seconds - Think a little Change a lot". It is an amazing book. Full of interesting studies and psychology stuff which I love! I love understanding how things work, why people associate the way they do. Just really fascinating things! I think I will gain A LOT from this.

I just like the end of the Introduction where it says "......Just like the expert engineer tapping the boiler, the techniques describe in this book demonstrates that effective changes does not have to be time-consuming. In fact it can take less than a minute and is often a question of knowing where to tap."

And there are countless of exercises in here that I find mind blowing yet very simple. It's so interesting!
Like these ideas below:

  •  Could materialism cause low self esteem ? Or is it the other way around? 
  •  Buy experience, NOT Goods
  • 'Tis better to give, than receive
  • And how Happiness is a Pencil! People tend to experience their emotions associated with their expressions
  • What does not work is to motivate people with the promise of the reward. Hrm.... Interesting!
  • For interviews: Open up yourself by letting out your weaknesses at the beginning of the interview. This gives your credibility a boost.
  • Choose the midway ;)
  • The Franklin affect: counter intuitive route to likeability. People like you more when they carry out a small favour for you
  • People develop a special fondness of other people, objects and statement if they were introduced to them when eating a meal
  • Every penny helps: + RED BOX

In 59 seconds or less
Wednesday: Terrific time

Think about one of the greatest experience in your life. 

I know there was something really special but can't catch a thought on that. I don't know. I think it was the time in China going to see Hang Zhao. We visited this beautiful garden and lake and oh, how peaceful I felt. I was imagining if this was heaven, although I know heaven would be much much more beautiful. That feeling I had was really indescribable. I felt as though I was connecting with nature and spirit through my heart. I could sense the tranquility. I could imagine myself sitting there, watching the view all day long. It was breathtaking, so beautiful and relaxing. So calm, surreal almost. It was beautiful.