To do list

Friday, June 4, 2010

I need some courage.

I'm not feeling too well at the moment. I mean, I am well but not? I think it's more my mental state of mind and how happy I am with my physical appearance rather than being "sick".

I don't know what to do. I don't know where to get the motivations from. Even if I'm motivated, I can't stay on track. I don't know why I am like this. I can start things but can't finish things. Why why whyyy??? I've realised that theres something that I love to do and benefit so much from it, but don't realise the good affect it has had because I actually enjoyed the activity so much. For example, reading! I hated to read before but now I love reading non-fiction books. Books that really inspires me and teach me something new. When I read I don't think of it as a chore so my grammar or literature to improve, instead I read because I just simply want to learn and find all the facts that I read very fascinating! I guess you can't be persistent if you don't enjoy what you do. You can start but you will lack motivation to finish it off. Likewise for exercise, I do it more for the benefits rather than for the enjoyment. I know I enjoy it but I want the benefit more. I think one thing I should start doing is to START doing something that I might like. I should start a new hobby. Something that I think I will enjoy doing. I hate how I don't even have that motivations or willingness to go to gym like a year ago. I was so fit, I went to gym everyday and loved every second of it. Although sometimes I get lazy, but as soon as I'm in the gym, I'm in it for good. I hardest part was GETTING to the gym, because it is so near, I can't make excuses. And as soon as I'm there, I give it my all. I couldn't even believe I even went when it was pouring rain. I was so committed and my body improved so much. I felt strong and tight. My skin glowed and I had tonnes of energy. I was so happy. Then after that, I don't know what happened. It's June now and I haven't exercised since March, and before March, I hadn't exercised since my sister's wedding in January. I really want to get back on track again but it's winter (and that is the BIGGEST excuse!). I really want to go for a run sometimes. I think I should do yoga. But then I'd need to join a gym so I can get my money worth by coming to the classes available, otherwise I'd have to pay like $15 for a single class else where. And that is how much I'd have to pay for my weekly gym membership anyway.

My physique has gone so bad that I don't even want to start over again. But the thing is, if I don't start, I will have to lose more fat down the road. My eating habit hasn't been too good either. I sometimes eat healthy, sometimes just give in to not-so-healthy food and other times I fast. It's like a big roller coaster and I don't think my body is liking it too much. Only if I fast while eat healthy in between then I think that should be good.

Oh actually I just have this thought popped in my mind. What I can do is to do a yoga class or even salsa. Something I will definitely find relaxing or enjoyable. Do this a few times a week. I should also fast one day a week and in between that I can just eat living food.

Sounds too easy to be true huh? But I feel like God is telling me that I'm making it too hard for myself. Things don't have to be complicated for it to work. Staying simple is the best way. And it is true that the food you eat is responsible for 80% of your image change, your health and result. Physical exercise is only  10% and your gene holds the other 10%. However, that 10% of physical exercise is so crucial. You can loose weight, loose some undesireable fat, but to really tone yourself, you'd need to MOVE and exercise!

I hate that word exercise lol. I hate it. Can't they change it to some other word that sounds less demanding. "EXERCISE" ergh! annoying lol. "Work-out" isn't too bad but still I'm so annoyed LOL. Oh God what is happening to Linh.

I just want to be feel how I felt before or even better. I want to feel energetic. I want to be able to feel my HARD stomach like before. I want to enjoy eating healthily. And always have to have vegetables with everything I eat. I miss those sweats that I loved. I miss that high I'd get after working out so damn hard. I just miss me looking after my body more.

I really don't know how to get there God.

Maybe you can help me out.