To do list

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2nd day. Finding it very hard.

And now it has only been the 2nd day of my fasting. I'm so hungry. I feel so low and tired. But I know I'm doing this for a good cause. My stomach is rumbling like never before and I'm craving for God's trength and Word for my soul. I just really needed to get some juice this morning for my energy so I had an apple and ginger juice. I needed it and thank God for the goodness it has had for me.

I don't know what to think at this moment. Maybe I'm jsut a bit tired and restless. I really want to just be by myself and relax somewhere. Somewhere but not home. At a cafe might be nice but then I'm not eating or drinking coffee so why would I tempt myself by going there. I just want God's guidance so much. I need him to show me which way to go. I've applied at SO MANY places on Seek last night and is hoping every second that God will deliver me with a good job that can support my career finacially. I'm still clueless about where I'm going to work for hairdressing, and that's one of the reason that pushes me to stay on track on this fasting. I just need to hear God! God I know you've blessed me with countless of opportunities to pursue my dreams. And thank you for allowing me to use my gift, given from you to bring about beauty in physical, visible form. I know I will be so successful in the future and that you will use me to bless others. But for now I just really need to see a little glimpse of my path. Please just light up my next step in this dark world. Prophesy over me God. Really tell me what it is that you want done in my life. Above all, let your will be done.

And last but not least, please Jesus, give me energy, give me strength. I don't know why I'm finding it so hard at this stage. Maybe the toxin is being released out of my body. And to achieve that healthy internal body, I need to withstand this process.

Bless me Lord.

Please God.