To do list

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Truly blessed.

When you hunger for more, you will receive more. When you hunger for God, He will fill you.

God is opening up the door for me. I know he hasn't forsaken me. I know He heard me when I cried and yelled out for him. I know He did.

How fortunate do I feel having all this happening right before my eyes. I can not even believe these things are happening. And all this happened after me fasting for 1 and a half day? If this is what God has delivered for such effort, how much more will He reward those who are faithful and truly sacrifice their physical Hunger for God's words? Like last time. Right on the first morning that I fasted, God have rewarded me with loads of Label M products to start of my session work and photoshoot. And this was out of the blue. It happened after I did the presentation for Angie at Paddington. I feel so blessed. I'm so happy for His great love. I'm so happy and joyous that He has heard my prayers. I know more are to be revealed and this makes me fast even more because I've got so many things to see. God wants to show me things that I will be so impressed and shocked if I find out.

This opportunity, I believe will be a great one. Working along side with Jaimie Sortino, Delta Goodrem's favourite designer. WOW. His work is amazing. I'm just imagining how beautiful and spectacular those photos will turn out and the great exposure I will get. All because of God's goddness.

In 59 seconds or less:
Tuesday: Thanksgiving

Looking at the past few weeks, three things that I'm thankful for:
1, For the amazing Xiao Wei. She is the angel of the most highest. The most beautiful person ever. She has inspired me to be so much more. To love God and share God to everyone. I'm thankful for her sweet text every morning, always of encouraging words and uplifting spirit. Bless her.
2, For the opportunities I've had through Model Mayhem and countless of upcoming photo-shoots. God is so good!
3, For my family. The fact that they are still together. We still have a business. They may fight sometimes but I know all things work together for good. Everything happens for a reason and God will use every little circumstances in my life to shape me, mould me and bring about the future that he'd planned for me to have, which will be a magnificient.