To do list

Friday, July 16, 2010

Deepest prayer.

All I ask right now is provision and protection over my mum, my little sister and I. Jesus almighty God, may your will be done. May your Kingdom come. May all that belongs to you be safely protected against all evil plans. Lord, as you know my dad have actually started advertising to sell our shop without telling anyone about it. I'm upset that he does not have any respect for my mum or us kids because if he did he would've at least told us what he was going to do. Jesus but that's not the point, besides he already did it and thankfully it's also what my mum wants to do. What I really want to pray for is tonight's talk. I pray that by your Holy Spirit, i will find the right thing to say. I know when I'm upset I might say the wrong things or things that doesn't make sense. Have your words over me God and let me speak what you want me to speak. I'm not sure what I'm going to say but I'm not worried because I have an army of Godly soldiers behind me in the same prayer as they're making their way to the Snowy Mountain. Jesus Christ, even though my mum doesn't know you but I believe you already have your way over her life. I know you have always been protecting us even when we never notice. I ask that your blessing will come over our lives. I know our vase may look empty but your blessing will fill it all up in no time at all. The greater the need, the more great things you will do for us. I trust in you Jesus. I thank you for the great future you have ahead of us. I know things will never be better. I know amazing things will take place when these silly troubles will part their ways. God, greater you are. Greater is our God who loves us and care for us. Who have planned us even before He planned the earth. He knew each person by name before He even created the garden of Eden, before all mankind was to ever take place. Lord, the almighty amazing God, no one can ever compare to the vastness that you are. No minds can ever comprehend the wonder of this world, this earth, this universe with the majesty of Heaven where your Holy people are. No one can be my God except for you. No one will give me the love that you give. No one can replace your generosity, grace, power and love. No one, no one but you. Jesus have your way. I know for a fact that your hands will be upon me. No evil plan shall prosper as long as I have you with me. Your staff will protect me, your words will save me, your wisdom will give me success and your spirit will guide me with strength. Jesus, thank you.

Guide me Lord, guide me now that I seek your words.

Prepare me for this battle, but most of all, protect my mum for all that's to come. Revive her with strength. She is an amazing woman of God. She is absolutely amazing, my hero, my all and she needs you Jesus. Bring her home with me God.