To do list

Sunday, July 11, 2010

MFG: Message from God

I have just finished putting all of notes together from the Conference. It ended up being 10 pages long.

There were many things that I felt God spoke to me about. And here is the list:
These were the notes that I wrote during the the sermons and have now cut & pasted all of the one that was marked with MFG.

  • Preach + Mission Work
  • He gives you PROVISION for your VISION. (repeated revelation at least 5 times)
  • Believe that Mum and Dad will turn to Christ.
  • Be the carrier of the Good News!! It is no accident. Start what God has put in your heart. You don’t have to be on the platform to preach. Preaching starts as soon as you spread the Good News to anybody!
  • God speaks to the unsaved. (God speaks to my mum without her realising it)
  • Model to the generation you want to serve.I am called to disciple a whole nation. (Model for my sister, my friends)
  • God wants to use your passion for his Vision, for your purpose! (God is using my hairdressing career to bring me into the powerful people: repeat of my revelation)
  • Who are you reaching? Is it good enough just to TELL them about the church but not lead them any further? ( I really need to follow up with people!)
  • It may be finished but the best is yet to come! (yes, the best is yet to come)
  • The end of an era is not the end of a destiny.
  • Tell your story: talk about your vision. God’s eyes.
  • Oppositions remind us of the position we are in.
  • Make a tree of your life of the  godly people that God has given you.
  • Make your own phrase line that is simple enough to sum your life.
  • Focus on what Jesus did AFTER you got saved. (write my testimony out)
  • KNOW your BIBLE. (read it and remember the verses)
  • READ “A case for Faith” by Lee Strobel
  • Do not let a brief period in your life to define who you are. PRAISE HIM IN ADVANCE WITH FAITH. THANK HIM for all the blessings that are to come. Talk to the future.
  • “Help me to help others to come to you”. (Pray for the opportunities to spread the Good News)
  • We do not fight against flesh and blood, but with power and the spirit of the wicked.
  • I am the first generation of the blessing. I draw the line to the curse. My next 4 generations will be great! (I've been chosen out of this family to start a new revival of blessings from God)
  • You can be in the storm but don’t let the storm be in you.