To do list

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Holy Sunday

So I finally have the time to do what I'd like to do.

After this I will start writing up all of the messages that I've got out of Conf. I can't wait till next year. I need to register ASAP. I can't believe how amazing God has been to His people, to me.

Alright, first thing's first.
- Write on my blog which I'm doing now.
- Type up all the messages and plan out all the main points that I've received. 
- Financial planning: search up how to do book-keeping for my spending. (Last night's message of GIVE - SAVE - LIVE from Andy Stanley ;-D )

I'm not sure if I will go church tonight. I will see. I wanted to come to the 12pm service but I woke up late haha. It's alright. I really this time to do this, to study the message.

Things that I still need to plan time for:
- Getting my hair extension IF the colour matches.
- READ READ READ, prepare myself for evangelism
- Get my interior designing modules done one by one. Oh God, I'm so lazy lol. I still have not even touched it. God help me please please.
- Research for the meeting on Wednesday with Xiaohan: hair design for australian birds. (print out pictures)