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Monday, July 12, 2010

Midnight anointing from TD Jakes, my mentor

God Knows What's Hidden Inside of You (It's In The House 2)

You Have To Serve A Lil While (It's In The House 3)

This is so greatttt!!!!

"Most of my life I have been praying for situation to a God who moves in generations." - TD Jakes

Is Serving God Worth It? (It's In The House 4) 

Omg, this is amazing!!

Testimonies tell what is going right.
But what do you do when it's not going right???
You don't have to have more degrees than the thermometer to be anointed or chosen by God.
You can not receive what you can not conceive.

Sometimes We Get Used To Things In Our Houses (It's In The House 5)

What you have is extraordinary!
Don't get used to it and think it is ordinary. Accept the gift God has given you. WHAT IS IN YOUR HOUSE? God is using THAT which is left in your house to carry out His will.

Container + Content!

See the Value of the content! Don't be too occupied with the fragility of the container.
The more needs, the more resources.
The more troubles, the more blessings.

You need to ask God for BIG THINGS!

Praise Him for what He is about to do.

When The Vessel Is Empty, Shut The Door (It's In The House 6)

God is attracted to capacity.
The greater the capacity, the greater the flow.
The more you're HUNGRY, the more GOD GIVES!

Bottomless pot! As long there is a demand, supply will continue to flow.
You think you've been blessed. You think wrong. God has more.

Full folks don't want anything from God. Set them aside, go with the hungry people!

As long as there was emptiness, there was flow. As long as there was a demand, there was a supply.

There is a miracle in your house!!!!!
In order for the oil to flow, you have to respect the pot it comes from.
Even Jesus could not perform mighty works because the people treated Him as ordinary. His goodness can't be seen.
If you don't position the pot right, you won't be able to send out the blessings. You can't just let the pot sit up right and expect the oil to flow. You have to proper reposition yourself!!
God will always use something that you ALREADY have!

Oil comes from Olives. Olives have to be crushed to produce oils. The greater the crushing the greater the OIL!!!

If You Want To See A Real Flow Of the Holy Spirit (It's In The House 7)

It's all about the bruises, the pain, the crushing.
God has been using you all along. You haven't been through all of them for nothing. Your blessings are on its way.
God is keeping you here because you still have something to pour out.
The oil is flowing.
The spirit is broken. You paid the price.

Let God's Oil Flow (It's In The House 8) 

Praise & Worship God For The Oil (It's In The House 9)

Sell your oil. God will trade with you. He will give you what you didn't have. But you have so much left that you will be able to live off the rest.