To do list

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dear God..

Dear God,

I'm really sick right now and as you know, I've been like this for a while.  I've never been this sick and it scares me. It scares me that as more people pray for me, I seem to get worse. I cried to you so much yesterday and was questioning you a lot but I will trust in you even though it doesn't make sense. I know you didn't do this. I know the devil is attacking me from all sorts of areas. Please help mum to be healed. She seems to get better which I'm glad. Please also help my brother in law and my sister. Help them to know you. Thank you that Chi is maturing and she's growing up. I pray that you will have your perfect will over her and that she will live her life for you. God, I ask that you will give mum peace during this time of house hunting and house designing. We don't know what's best to do but please give us wisdom and lead us in your way. Give her peace Jesus. Thank you Father. Holy Spirit will you please reveal more of yourself to me? I really want to know you more. College has been really challenging. I'm struggling to live out my Christian lifestyle of telling others about Christ. I want to be better at it.

Thank you that you are providing for me and thank you for all the friends I have. Help my skin problem please. I don't even know what caused it and it makes me really sad that its happening. You are getting rid of it right?

I wonder when I will finally meet Jordan.... And to one day realise that all that God told me is true and I would be a witness of his faithfulness.

It's really hard to believe in you when trials come my way. Please help me to strengthen in my faith in you. I don't know how people live in such joyous ways despite physical limitations. Help me to do the same. Help me not to complain but to be thankful.

You know, it really hurts me that my sister's business is not going well. It really makes me sad. I don't even know what to ask for from you. Because there's no point of asking for prosperity if they done even know you. Are you trying to allow this to happen to make them come to you in desperation. I don't know how you work but please please please help them and look after them...

Help me with my faith. I know I totally don't deserve you yet you would still want me.

I can't do this on my own. I can't do anything on my own. Please make yourself real to me. Help me not to have those dreams anymore....

Monday, May 20, 2013

Hillsong College or Hair....

So it is 6 weeks until Hillsong Conference and I'm believing that God will provide me finacially.

It seems like everytime I earn money, it just all goes away and I can't seem to save anything. I'm quite sad about it...

Also, I know God wants me to go to Hillsong College, and I wouldn't mind going but I love doing hair and I want to also pursue that. What about when Steven Furtick says, God's will is whatever. Doesn't that mean I can love God and do whatever that's pleasing?

I've left my job to pursue my career and also to serve more, but I didn't think God would call me into college. What will happen after I do college anyway?

I will know more about his word, know more about myself... I don't really know what to expect.

And if I keep doing what I am doing... pursuing my hair career, what will happen? I will become more skillful, have more experience, influence many people...

I know I should not be selfish...and WHERE is Jesus in these 2 things? Well I think they're in both.

And also you said not to find a job because you have something prepared for me. Could this be what you've prepared? A job with Muse or College?

And I'm also believing for a perfect schedule job. I'm just going to send my resume in anyway and see what happens? And I should stop asking all those what if's questions.

Jesus I'm all confused and don't know what to do. I know you've called me into college but I'm not that excited or convinced about it....

And I still want to pursue hair... :(((

I know if I stop it's going to be so hard to pick it back up!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mid life crisis

Dear God,

You know my every thought. You know my every need. I praise you for you have made me and you have watched over me all these years. I ask that you keep reminding me to be thankful and to have faith that you will work things out. You know how anxious I've been feeling lately. You know that there are things that I want to do and money is one of the challenges.

Lord, first of all thank you for helping start the make up course. I think it will be very beneficial. I thank you that you've helped me with the hair and make up today. I hope it turned out well. I really hope so. I'm so anxious of what Andrew would think if he zooms in and sees that the skin isn't that perfect. I know I could have done better but then again, what I did today was way beyond what I could normally have done anyway. I thank God for everything. I thank you for everything Jesus. Thank you so much.

Lord initially I wanted to just write down all my thoughts and my anxiety. But I will not do that, I will instead give you praises Jesus! I will not complain. I believe that you are for me and you want the best for me!

Thank you Jesus for everything. I know that you'll provide me with the money for Perth. You will surely increase our capacities to serve and lead. You will grow our team. You will give me the perfect job that fits my schedule perfectly. You will lead my family to you. You will bless me. You will make a way for me to go to Hillsong College. You will give peace to the conversation that I'll be having with my mum. You will send Jordan to me soon. You will give me contentment. You will give me joy. You will give me peace. You will bless our team and increase the momentum. You will never leave or forsake us. You are for us!!!!! And therefore nothing can be against us. Lord I know you will continue to anoint me with God given creativity. I thank you for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May my life be yours forever. May all that I do be a mirror of Jesus. May your presence shine through me. May I reach the lost and heal the broken and bring them all to you. You are my father, and I am your child. Thank you so much Jesus.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I miss Paris so much

I don't know why but all of sudden tonight, as I was looking through the old photos, I started to reminisce all the memories I had in France and Italy. And oh how I miss Paris.

Here I am sitting here typing these words and I can begin to cry. I don't know what it is about Paris but I've always felt like my heart belongs there.... I've always felt like that's my home. Even though I don't speak French and is not intending to learn the language but there's something about it that just draws my heart towards it. I felt like one day I might marry a French guy one day.

I long to one day meet Jordan.

I feel so emotional today...

I feel like Paris is my love, and I'm missing 'him'. But Paris is not a person. I guess it's just a place where I was so free and I released myself and found myself in a whole new way.

I long to see Jesus face to face too, but until then, I will have to keep doing what I do.

I also felt like I haven't been reading his word as much as before. I need to get back to it.

I was really tired today and I slept through the time I was meant to be at church. I knew I should've just got up but it was hard since I was so sleepy and tired.

Why do I miss Paris so much.

I also want to loose weight. I have not been watching what I eat and I'm really feeling the consequences. I want to be fitter and feel better than what I feel now.

On that note, I know this is superficial but I really want a nose job and an eye job. I know I know I know this world is temporal but I truly believe that if I get even just my eyes done I will be so much more confident with myself. I hate how I have to wear make up to cover up. Make up is meant to enhance, but I use it to cover up myself. I hate that. I love me, but I would prefer to have different set of eyes. Jesus please understand. I know you are probably not too happy with this and I want to please you, but it's so hard living with myself looking like this.

Please let me do it Lord. Please give me the peace to do it.

Please let it be a gift to me Jesus!! :( Please

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

REVELATIONS from 2010 till 2013

JUN 2010

By my power you will change nations and the world. I will give you blessings and pour my spirit upon your family, your generations, the work you do and the people you deal with. Any person you come in touch with & talk to will be blessed through you because you are mine and I am pleased with your heart. The long winding road will not be easy, but because I am with you, I will give you strength, I will renew your spirit for each case. That way you will grow stronger in my faith as you step further into my purpose for you. 

You will stay firm and strong in your position. You will be blessed with opportunities to change the view of the world. They will see you and they will think of me. They will see you and be proud of your success. Your family especially will be proud of what you've become. You will shine my name as you shine yours. I've chosen you because you possessed the exact character and personality that I need in order to carry out such work

Only you are able to do the will that I have for you, no one else but you. And it is a great task. It is a hard task, but a rewarding one if you have the desire. All I ask for you is to obey me. Take time to read my words and to obey me. Reach into the presence of my spirit and obey me. Obey what I have to say. Listen to the voice in your mind when I do speak. Listen out for me. Follow your heart in everything you do. Be patient and calm. Be gentle and loving. Be strong and courageous. Be hardworking and humble. Speak not of your own strength but of mine. Speak of my great work. Acknowledge what I have done in your life and you will be blessed. People needs to hear your testimony. Their lives will be change. It is I, Jesus who is speaking to you right now. Take this. Remember this. It is the pinnacle of the journey you are about to start with me. This journey will take you around the world, from end and back. It will influence the most influencial people, you will be recognised and you then must show them that you are my child. Do not be afraid as to how it shall be done. My spirit will be with you and your calling will be accomplished until the very end. It will be accomplished and lives will be change.


Holy of all Holy. I am your God, your ever living God who brings you glory and success just as I am. Jesus Almighty God, your God will be with you wherever you go.

As you have felt in my spirit and see the visions I've given you, you will be called to preach my name. Your mum will become my follower. There will only be you, your mum and Chi left in the family. 

Glory will be given to me and through your testimony.

Hairdressing will take 1/4 of your life, mission work 1/4 and spreading my message the other 1/2.

Success will belong to you.

Love will find its way to you when it is right. He will have a heart for me just as you do. He will reach out to you and help you expand my kingdom.

Hairdressing is something I've gifted you with only because I know you have the right attitude and the right faith to carry out my will. With your belief and undying love for me. I will use you for my great purpose. I will make you well-known in the industry but the only reason I'm doing so is because I need to bring you into powerful people. I want this to be used as an opportunity for you to build connections, to get to know some particular individuals, as these people have also been called by me.... together you will be united with my body and bring glory to God. Jesus will be glorified.

I said that I will protect you and I will. 

Millions of lives will be changed and lives will be given up for me.

Your mum will be rewarded greatly.

Don't worry, it's only a matter of time. I will bring her home with me. She will be with me. I assure you.

Chi is a great sister and I have placed her in your life to really teach you a lesson of patience. She will come back to me because she sees me and in you. 

This whole journey will take a while but trust in my timing. Just let my whispers be sensitive to you so that I don't have to use my last resort of troubles & pain to come upon your life.

You will change nations and the world.

DEC 2012 (Jordan)

I have a great plan for you. Greater doesn't mean better than what you have now but it will be more influential than you will ever know. Lovely I want you to relax and not worry about the future. I want you to know that leaving your workplace is the right thing to do and I honour your decision. I know you are wondering how you will support yourself financially but remember I am the God of the universe and I made YOU! Will I not provide for you? I don't want you to look for a job, I have something better planned for you. I know you feel scared and unsure of the future but if you just look to me, I will reassure you and show you mighty things. Your workplace will not be the same when you leave. Once you leave they will know what legacy you left. Your boss have changed to some degree. Your colleagues around have changed as well. I will give you the boldness and confidence to proclaim my name and ask them to church. I know you are scared of what they will think of you but that's the least that you can do for them. I will strengthen you and make the right time so you can boldly ask them. 

I want you to know also that your 22nd birthday will be the best birthday yet. You'll realise what an incredible woman you have been in my kingdom and I know you are humble and will not believe it & don't like to receive complement but it's the truth. Saturday night will not be the same without you. You are an amazing warrior and I see all that you do Linh. You might think you are going south and you are heading against my promises but listen, my promises are true and my words can not be returned void. I love you with an everlasting love and beautiful girl, Jordan is real. He is real and he is handsome. I've handpicked him just for you. Persevere my dear, persevere through afterparty. I will bring you helpers of all areas and you will lead and not have to follow. You will be the head and not the tail. You'll bring my people tome. You'll create an environment of love, purity and a community of genuine friendship. I will give you ideas on where to go, what to do. Each week will be planned and appointed by me. I will guide you and lead you and you will follow me. You will hear my voice and you'll love my words. My spirit will overflow within you and my light will shine through you. People will see you and see me. They will look at you and can't help but know that there is a true God. Your happiness and joy is contagious and your smile is beautiful. Your words are like gold, they are like honey to the soul and as fresh as an autumn breeze on a summer day. Jordan know about you, I told him of you and you need not to look for him, for he will look for you. He will ask you out and you'll know that it's him because both of you will hear from me. He will love me so much and I know you want someone like that. He loves you very much as well and will protect you with his words and with his strength. Believe me for he will come, not so long now, very very soon. But I am also preparing your mindset. I'm preparing your character and preparing your attitude, your perseverance, your strength, your ability to have peace in all situation, the ability to love instead of hate, to mend brokenness instead of gossiping, to heal and not destroy, to love my words and seek me above all else. I love you Linh, and I have a really awesome present for you in 2 days time, you'll know because it can only come from me. Happy birthday for Thursday, I love you. 

DEC 2012 (After I left T&G)

Linh, I know you are worried about the coming year. What you will be doing, but will you just trust me that my timing is perfect. Just trust in me because like I've told you, I have something planned for you. Next year will be the first year of a new chapter/ cycle of your life. Will you give me everything that you have? Will you trust in me with your finance? Trust me with your belongings? What do you want to do with hair? What do you want to do with church? What are your goals? What do you want to do for me?

MARCH 2013 (at Colour)

I want you to go College in July...Will you leave your family for me? Will you leave your career for me? Will you leave everything and follow me?

(So he called me to do College in July 2013) So I guess that was his plan ...

LEADERSHIP AND TIME: a message inspired by TD Jakes

Great people respects time. Time is a limited resource. What you do with your time determines the direction of your life.

Jesus started his ministry at the age of 30 and he was hung on the cross at 33 1/2 years old. He had 3 1/2 years to minister. During those years, he was an incredibly busy man. He did many miracles, raised the dead to life, healed the sicks, gave visions to the blind and many other incredible things. He was a very busy man but He was also a very focused man. He did not waste time, and he did everything with intention.

To be a leader, you can not be lazy. We don't have much time here on earth, and we can not afford to waste time. We have many things to do. Since our time here on earth is limited, our goal in life should be to pour OUT everything we've received and die empty. Only then can we really make the most out of our life's purpose.

As leaders, we need to learn obedience and avoid procrastination. We should have the mentality to build everything He tells us to build. Say everything He tells us to say. Reach everyone He tells us to reach. Also, you need to work well even when people are not watching you. Because we know that God is watching us at all times and He honours everything little thing we do. He is the God of justice.

John 4 reads the story of the Samaritan Woman at the well. It's interesting how He sent the disciples away to get some meat while he went and sat at the well. He did not need food, but he needed time alone. He wasn't resting, in fact he was expecting something out of the ordinary. He was expecting for a Samaritan woman, who is known to be promiscuous and have many husbands at that very time, let's just say she could have been a prostitute. Who would sit around waiting for a prostitute in this day and age, and not want something sexual from her. But Jesus waited, so that He could save her. He was waiting for her to come and draw some water from the well. That's one thing that we could learn from this first part: and that is Jesus was ALWAYS intentional.

Then when the Samaritan woman arrived, Jesus asked her for some water. She jokingly said to him, how can he get water if he has nothing to draw with. This is the second point: It is a question that we all can relate to. Jesus asked her for some water. He is asking her for what He already is. He later replied to her that He is the living water, and those who drink from Him will never thirst. How humorous is Jesus, asking us for what He already is. I suppose, He asks not for his sake, but for our sake. For us to identify what is our need and where we can find the source of that fulfillment. When God asks a question, it's not because he doesn't know the answer. He wants us to identify the true answer because HE alone IS the answer.

The woman wasn't someone that the town liked. In fact she was also going to draw water at the well at a very odd hour. She is most likely trying to avoid interaction with other people in her village, especially other women. So the third thing we can get out of this is: Jesus approaches the unwanted. Jesus goes to a place where no one goes. He goes into the territory people least expect. He deals with sinners, poor, low status people. What kind of King does that? He is an amazing King with a perfect servant heart.

A sign of a great leader is when you are not following the steps of others, doing what has been done, but creating a new path, taking the risk to enter into a darker world where you humble yourself and be the change. You walk where no one have walked. No one will understand it, yet, but they will when the people start tasting the fruits that you produce. If you do what others have not done, you will get what others have not got. And God have called you to rise up and lead. He also said the harvest is ripe but the workers are few. You need to start now! And take risk.

Throughout the bible, we also see Him demonstrate the impact he can have through the power of ONE. Never underestimate what fruits that person will bare if you just influence or touch that one life! No matter how messed up or ordinary they may seem. God can use them. The worse they are, the more glory God gets. The bible tells the power of one through David defeating Goliath, through Esther who saved the nation, who Joseph to delivers Egypt out of famine, through Mary, through Ruth and so on. He doesn't need a crowd if he has the right one.

And you are the right one.


Yep this is what they did after I left connect group!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

COLOUR 2013 review

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for revealing more of yourself to me. Thank you that it wasn't just an event that I attended but it was a movement. It was an amazing experience. Thank you that you spoke to me so clearly. Thank you that you helped me resolved a few issues.

Jesus. One thing was so apparent, and that was you telling me to go to College. I'm really happy about that because I'm excited to get myself prepared for the future calling. I know you didn't call me to be a hairdresser, but you used that to refine my character and gave me some practice at reaching the dark crowd. Lord, no one in my family will truly understand why I do what I do, but you understand and I understand. We know that this world is not all there is. We both know that my home belongs in heaven and that right now I'm just a captive in a foreign world. However, there are so many of your children that lives in this world, and we need to rescue them. You've appointed us to this world and at the same time Satan appointed this world to us. It's such a dark world. But Lord, you are so powerful, you are so good, and you've won! You've won Lord Jesus! We have victory in your name. Lord, I'm overwhelmed and nervous, but I have confidence in you that if this is your will, you will provide me with the finance I need. You will make it easy for me to tell my mum. I know you will give both of us peace. You will give my family a soft heart to accept who I am. Lord I thank you in advance for my mum's salvation. I pray for the rest of my family that they will get to experience the same love I received from you. I pray that far and wide, all my extended family will come to serve you. Lord I can't underestimate your power by limiting my prayer. So here I am asking you boldly that you reach out your merciful hand and touch the lives that don't know you. Lord, by your grace, this will be something that I'm committed to pray for. I see my grandparents turning to you, my uncles and aunties, my cousins, my sister, my brother in law, my nephew and niece.

I just want to give you thanks. I thank you that just in over 2 months, you've brought me to a place I've never been. You've tested my faith and you proved yourself faithful. You have provided through everything. How thankful I am Lord. I am so thankful Jesus!

Lord I ask you make me focused, never to feel complacent, always thankful, always other-minded, always loving, always patient, always displaying your light and your words will always be on my lips.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Colour Conference 2013 - Light - Day 2

Dear Lord,

I don't remember if I have told you here on this blog, but just so you know, you are so good. Thank you for being so merciful and kind to me. I can sing of your great love forever! Thank you Jesus for all that you are doing. Lord, I should have known how faithful you are. But I'm so glad I went through what I did, because I wouldn't have seen you worked your miracles if those thing didn't happen to me. Lord, all in all, you are beyond all that is in this world. And you are mighty, and you are all powerful, and you CARE for me! For ME! Wow, that's just so awesome. 

You've been providing for me moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day. How great are you God. I have no worries at all now because you've revealed to me in a way I've never seen before. 

Lord, I will never forget that Sunday night, 3rd Febuary, when I needed $700 for hui, and you gave me $699.63 plus a few coins in my wallet. 

Then it was 3rd March, when I needed $1400, up until one week before, I had no money, and I was wondering how I would be provided. Then I remember, by Sunday night, you gave me around $1510. But I bought Chereine a registration to COLOUR which costed $170, which only left me with $1335. I was now short of $65. I then had to go for Claire's farewell dinner and paid for petrol so I was broke and had $1300 in my bank. I was now short of $100. Then today Sophia gave me $107 for the registration because she's been using Chereine's rego to attend (which Chereine did not end up coming to). I was able to give mum the $100 and $7 was my food money. Wow, I just thought, how awesome is God that he knew I'd be hungry. He knew I could stand without food, yet he cared enough just to give me extra. Thank you Lord. 

So today apart from all that has happened at Colour. One thing that really stuck with me was the intense desire to be apart of Hillsong College. I never wanted to go. I never intended to go, but for the past week I've been getting this prompting from the Spirit to go to College. I'm not sure when though. I'm just wondering if you would like for me to attend the July intake or next year 2014 intake. I'm also contemplating that if I would go to college, will I do make up still? I think that still might be a good idea... I'm not sure. I will keep praying about. I'm beginning to realise what a big decision this is. That just means that I will have almost no time to shoot, to work, 4 days a week, and serving and attending at church. 

But I know I'm not called to be a hairstylist. I was called to be the light in the dark world.


Today, in the spirit, I saw myself being in the forefront of God's great army. From above, I can see multitude of armies standing along side and behind me. As I'd draw the sword out, they'd do the same. As I'd command to fight, they'd the same. They are so obedient, so respectful. I see myself as a light for those behind me to see. No matter how far back behind, they are still able to see me because God's light is shining through me. However, the light that I'm portray is nothing compare to the light that is ahead of me shining down from above. It's God's glory. As I precede into war, I know we have already won, despite the fact the devil is raging against us with all sorts of wicked spirits. I'd see myself holding a shield with my left hand and my right hand raising the sword. I dash my sword side to side and it would cut through the power of the wicked. Any spirit that goes pass me are then destroyed by my fellow armies. They were trying to attack us. Some got bruises here and there but nothing major because we were strong. Each time when I swing my sword, I see this amazing extension of power that releases, like a wavelength. Like the invisible force of a sound wave, travelling outward once it had escape from a large speaker. So in this case, it was the sword. I guess, the sword was the word of God. And because the word of God has life, it moves, it is active, and it has a mission. Once it has been spoken, it travels where it is commanded, so then whichever direction I'd swing my sword, the power would be released towards that area. And as it makes contact with the dark forces, that dark force loses power. I sense in my spirit, God says "Victory is ours". I believe God is warning me that this war would not be easy, but I also believe God has given me the tool to overcome the enemy. That is His shield and His word, which will be my sword. How great is our God. How great is He?? He also wants to let me know that I will have LOTS of attacks coming my way, because I am leading God's army, BUT no enemy shall live as long as I have my sword raised! The word of God is with me everywhere, and where I declare God's word, there the power of the enemy is defeated. I see myself so saturated with his light, it is impossible for people not to see. But that light doesn't bring the attention to me, but to the army that is behind me. I represent the whole army that is behind me. A multitude of warriors lovingly, passionately, willingly, eagerly fighting for God's kingdom. I love it. I love it. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Farewell party for Lilia, Claire and Sarah @ Cg last night

Lord, I can't say much more than how much we love you and how amazing you are. I will never in forever be able to fathom the love you have for us. I can feel that each and every day I have a fresher revelation of how much you love me and care for me, and how you provide for me. I love you Jesus. I thank you that even though I didn't have money and my intention was to get presents for the girls, you ended up giving me red pocket on Chinese New Years. I have a wedding this coming weekend and you've just been so generous to me by using people and having them lend me things. I'm so appreciative of you.

Jesus. I followed my heart and did the Be/ On Mission Goal for 2013. I just realised how fruitful it is. I love seeing the cg flourish. And Lord may you please raise up even more leaders to lead your people. I can think of so many great things they can do when the power and authority is given to them. My stand out girls are Rebeca and Natasha. I pray that you will speak to each of our cg individually about their next step, and those who are wanting to lead a cg, or those who you've spoken to about leading the cg, I hope you will prompt them to come to Welcome to the Club night.

I thank you for the progress of our team. I know you hand is on it and I just want to say thankful for all the fruitful things that will come out of our strong team. I pray you raise up and equip leaders like never before. I pray that myself and James will bring the service to a whole new level with the responsibility we've been entrusted with. I thank you in advance for all the great things, all the great testimonies. I ask for you to give us wisdom and discernment as we appoint leaders into position. I pray that we will be known as passionate people for others and for Christ. Lord above all, I ask that you will strengthen their personal relationship with you because all the good things flow out of what's within them. Bless Andrei and Tyson with the Bus licence. I am incredibly excited. Help me not to get competitive or narrow minded, but let us have a large picture, kingdom focus. Help me to prioritise and continue to bless me financially. Help Daryl and Lemba and Daniel and Aggie to be committed towards you in connect groups and your church. Help them not to lose sight of who you are and devote their time to serving you as well.

Lord, here is my request of the people we need in our team:
_ Bus drivers
_ Creative person: who is passionate/ design gifted/ loyal/ reliable/ inventor!
_ Social media person
_ STRONG new people's team with people who are gatherers!
_ New people follow up leader

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I love you & even though I've lost all I have, I still have all I need.

Dear God.

I love you.

That is all.

This morning I lost my suitcase this morning. All of my hair stuff was in it apart from a comb and clips and a few products. But Lord!!!!!! How amazing have you refined me. Even though I've lost all that made me who I am, a hairdresser, I'm still absolutely fine. I'm not worried. I'm not scared. I'm just so expectant for you to move because you are my provider. I had to cancel an appointment today due to me having no scissors or hairdryer, but how is it that I can be so calm. That's so not me usually. And it can only mean one thing. You are now truly truly in me and you are being reflected through me. Lord will you please forgive those who were speaking against your house, will you please forgive those who are so negative towards the world and forgive those who support what is not right. God I thank you that throughout this whole journey you've made me so pure. You've allowed my mind to be focused onto you. Thank you so much for loving me. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!! Thank you that you have provided for me sooooooo much!!!!!!!!! Jesus you are truly a life saver. I have so much peace it's incredible. But please hear me out Lord. May you give me surpassing peace in ALL circumstances. Not just now, but at all times. By your grace, I will have peace even in the most difficult situation.

Lord. Last sunday needed to have $700 and you provided for me right on the dollar. Then I had no money for the following day's full licence test besides a few coins in my wallet. But you were gracious enough to give me a client. With the client I had, I earned $50 and the licence fee was $52, and $2 came from my wallet. That was an amazing feeling, knowing how well you provide for me. You knew I'd pass, you knew a way of providing for me. Thank you Lord. Then the last $1 I had I bought Oreo from Coles. haha. Anyways, thankfully I received some money from mum to fill a tank of petrol, which allowed me to drive everyone to and from Heart & Soul night, as well as today's shoot to Cronulla and back. Thank you for providing. At the moment I have $0.25 in the bank account and $1.80. But oh I have so much joy. I have so much peace. I've lost almost $3000 worth of hair stuff in my kit but I am no where near worried. All but your grace Jesus. All because of you.

I need $1400 by the end of the month. I know you'll provide. Whatever I need Jesus, you'll provide.

I just want to say thank you for showing me how to live like you. I love you and I will forever be yours. Please help me to fall in love with you even more than I am now.

I love you God!!

Isaiah 26:3
"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in you."

Philippians 4:7
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus."

Monday, February 4, 2013

Thank you for loving me. Thank you for providing.

Jesus. Thank you for providing for me Jesus. Thank you that even though I only have a few dollars in my wallet right now, you will provide for all that I need. Lord I thank you for petrol for tomorrow so I can drive to Baulkham Hills, I thank you that I will have money for my Driver Qualification Test on wednesday. Thank you that you will provide for me when I meet up with everyone on Thursday. Thank you that you will give me the best, most original idea for the next few photoshoots. Thank you Lord for showing me that you are all I need. Thank you that I get to walk fully dependent on you and not in my power. Lord what would you like for us to do this weekend? This weekend we are having a welcome to church party, please let me know what you would like me to do. Help me to serve Leighton well, help me to serve you well.

Jesus, Thank you so much for reassuring me that you alone will provide. Jesus thank you for everything. Lord I ask that I will forever be dependent on you. Please remind me of your love for me always. Jesus I don't want to be apart from you for one moment. I want to be near and as close to you as possible. Lord I run to you because you are my refuge. When the world comes against me, you are there. Lord I will not worry about all the fines that I have. I know you said you will take care of it. I trust in you Jesus.

I love you so much Jesus. Please help me to know you more. Please help me to help others. Help me to be more like you. Help me to be the light in this dark world. Let me be your hands. Let me be used to touch others. Lord, I know it is hard, but help me to be obedient and willing to your plan and purpose.

Let me speak life into people's life. Let me do what I can to provide for others.

I love you God. I will never be able to fathom the love you have for me. All I can ask if for you to show me more and more glimpses of your love.

Help me to love the way you do. Help me to look beyond my selfish ambitions and desires and to do everything for you. I know it's hard God, but if you are for me, who can be against me.

Please help me to never give up reading the bible, because I know in my own power I will fail. But if you will help me by your grace, I know I can do all thing. Let my desire for you grow more and more each day. Let my mind rest on you. Let me look up and seek your face. Help me to run away from this world every now and then to seek for your presence.

Help me to continue to appreciate delay and time on my own.

Bless my hands.

Bless my mind.

Bless my speech.

Bless my feet.

Bless my posture.

Give me the aura that is from you. That glows. That is full of your mighty power, love and grace.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

So deeply in love with you Jesus

Lord God, today I had the priviledge of baptising Lemba and Sandra. I am so in love with you and with your people. Lord Jesus, thanks for letting me be apart of that big decision. Thank you Jesus.

Lord. Tonight, I cried, because I just realised how faithful you are. That a month ago when I left work, I was wondering how I would be able to make money to pay for 'hui'. And it's not a small amount. I had no one. I had no clients. I had to pay for more things than I was earning. But Jesus, as I was counting up today. I thought I was short of money but it just happened to add up to the right amount for what I need, with a few dollars to spare so I can keep in my wallet. I really am thankful for your provision, for all that you've provided. I'm excited for the next season because I know you will use me in a mighty way. I know that you chose me because I am willing and I've made myself available. Thank you Lord, I know now for sure that you are ever faithful. You will always provide. So in a month's time I need $1400, I have no idea how that will come, not counting money for food and petrol and tithing and cg etc. But I know you'll provide :) I just know it. And it's amazing that you've provided me with that saving money, even though I've spent so much on stuff like clippers, cape, tithing, food for others, licence fee. They're all the stuff that I need to spend on. I've been really watching my spending. And thank you Jesus that all I need was provided from and by you.

I'm really thankful.

Please help me build leaders, help me to lead an amazing connect group.

Help me to grow in your love and never ever let you go.

God is asking me "Are you ready?"

I just realised how real this is. Lately I've been posting quite Godly facebook statuses to encourage others. There's a few that 'likes' it, but as I was looking over my hair page, I found out that my fan like has decrease. I just smile silently to myself and came to a realisation of how real this battle is. As lives are being encouraged and transformed, there will also be lives who rejects the truth. I just have to push forth. It happened to Jesus. Will I let that stop me from proclaiming God's goodness. By God's grace I hope that even if I don't have a lot of followers on facebook, I will still live on and still spread the good news. Some people need to hear it.

Before I was so worried about what people would think of me if I put up statuses about God especially when I have so many contacts in the creative industry and most of them don't believe in Jesus. But this is a new season, it is the season of harvest. What is more important? Hair or Lives? I was sent to save lives, to point them to Jesus. And God has handpicked me to be in part of the dark world. I have to shine bright. Those who can't stand the light will perish, those who wants the light will have it.

Lord give me the perseverance to carry on even though the world fights against me. Lord, never let me stop seeking your words and who you are. Please help me to stay close with you forever and ever. Please help me to build my relationship with you. Please don't let me go. By your grace I can do all thing but without you I can not do anything.

Lord I want you to know that I make you my Lord and I want you to govern my life. Please guide me. Please keep my relationship with you healthy and strong, pure and deep. Let everything that I do flow out from my closeness with you.

Let others not only see the light that is from you but also WANT TO KNOW YOU!!!!! God it is not good if people see it and then be ignorant. Lord, by your grace I pray that you would soften their heart to receive you. Help me to help others around me. Lord help me to lead them to you.

It is a new season and you have something new prepared for me. I can't do it, and yes I feel a little anxious but I gladly receive because I know that you know that I am ready. And besides, I can't do it on my own and I am totally dependent on you Jesus.

Let me continue to shine a bright so light that I will reach this generation. This world.

Use me to raise up a generation of leaders that loves you, who are honest and committed, and who are fervently obeying you and your words.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Daniel fast - Day 28/31 - I'm in love with you

Lord I'm so in love with you. I love you so much Jesus. How can I ever think otherwise. I'm so happy I'm back with you, because I never thought I would especially from what happened. I want to say how thankful I am for your mercy. You love me so much but I will never be able to fathom that love which you've given me. Lord, how do I get to have you? I am nothing but a sinner. I keep sinning and sinning and yet you still welcome me back like the most precious thing. Oh Lord my heart is yours Jesus. And Lord please hear my prayer, let me not love anyone more than you. Let me place you first in my heart for the rest of my soul. Let my husband or boyfriend not distract me from the love I have for you. Let them not take away my attention for you. Help me to do so because I know for a fact I can not do it on my own. Lord help me to want to, want to know you more. Lord please know I am helpless without you. I want to stick beside you forever. I want to be beside you. I never want to do things on my own.

Who am I that you love me this much? You saw everything. You saw all that I did when I thought no one could see but you saw.

How merciful are you, how generous is your love. I lay it down for you Jesus. You are my one and only. I'm so happy to be back. I started tithing 30% from last week and as soon as I did that, I could see your faithfulness pouring out. But I know it's not about what I do, but what's in my heart. You knew my heart Lord, that I didn't have much but I decided to give it to you anyway.

I love you God, and I know that I'm not at a position where I can spend on whatever I want. I can only spend on necessity, but I'm not hesitant to give to you anymore, because you will give me all that I need. Money is nothing to you. I want to obedient to you. Please help me to keep being obedient to you because I know I will sin, I will fail, but with your help I will have the right wisdom to do what is right.

I don't regret going through what I went through for the last month. The very dry season spiritually for me. I was doubting you so much. But now that I'm out of it I could see. My love wouldn't have grown this much if I didn't get to experience that revelation after withdrawing from you.

Help me to continue to serve you. I can't just say that you can do whatever you want. I will say, however, by your grace, I will do whatever you want me to do. With your grace, take me through the journey. I'm not sure where you will take me but on this journey, help me to show the people around me YOUR LOVE. I pray that you will help me to display all the love that is in me towards others. Help me to be the light in the darkness. I don't have to worry about what will happen to me, whether I get signed or not, because I know your plan is always the best plan. Whatever happens, I know I will beyond happy because it's the BEST plan for me from you.  You know the beginning through to the end. You know my strengths and weaknesses. You know who I'm attracted to, what I like to do, what I don't like to do. You know what I'm less confident with. You know my insecurities. You know what makes me feel good. You know everything so how can I not trust the one who knows all thing. How can I not trust the one who wants the best for me and love me more than anyone in this world.

I love you Jesus.

Thanks for rescuing me...

The power of thought - TD Jakes (Paraphrase)

You are creative because you were created in the likeness of a Creator. You need to be creative to live your life to its fullest potential. You all are creators, God doesn't give you the finished product because he also wants you to create. So, God did not create the telephones. God did not create the computer. God did not create an automobile. God did not create the chair. He never made not one chair. He made trees. He made steels. He made gold. He made air. God is going to give you the raw stuff to give you something to think about, so you can look at it and ask yourself "What can I do with what I've gained?". You are one thought away from your dream, your calling, your purpose. You are not waiting on God to give you what you want. He is waiting on you. Do you have the courage to think beyond where you are? What you see shall be what you are! What do you see in yourself? Words produces thoughts. If negative words have the power to pull you down, positive words have the power to pull you up. Words have life. What are you struggling with? What will be the thoughts you think over yourself? Somebody thought you into existence. Somebody thought the fabric that designs your clothes. Somebody thought the car you drive. A thought, an idea has power to create. What are you thinking???

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Daniel fast - Day 22/31 - I don't deserve this..

So today is the 22nd day of the fast. However I don't even know if God is looking down thinking it's legitimate. I haven't been eating meat but I have been eating sweet stuff like chocolate and refined stuff. So I feel bad. I was in a very devastating period for almost 2 weeks. It was really tough, and even now it's really tough too but I'm slowly getting there. For like 3 days, I didn't even want to read the bible, but I knew I should otherwise, physically I will be worn out especially when I've been waking up really early for jobs and stuff.

Anyways. I'm glad that God is providing for me dollar by dollar. I've got 2 fines the other day and I was not happy at all. I was quite frustrated actually, but then I thought that God will be able to help and if I have to pay for it, God will provide a way for me to earn to pay that amount. So I'm not worried any more. Last time when I took Chi to work in Strathfield the disabled parking card got confiscated but thankfully mum went to register for a new one so that's good.

So my goal for this year was to do 50 photoshoots. It is now the 22/1 and it's been 4 weeks and I've done 4 photoshoots. I have quite a few coming up as well so I'm really am thankful to Jesus, because I know nothing can happen without him, no matter who I'm working with.

Today we did the lookbook for Saveus and it was a very long 13 hour day. I was really tired and light headed. I took the bus instead of the car because I didn't want to risk getting another parking fine. So on the way home on the bus, I was thinking of what happened today and who I've met. Then going home reading all the emails for call sheets and shoots idea, I realised how fortunate I am to be working along side such amazing talents.

Like honestly, I feel like they are way beyond my range, and they've been published everyyywhhhherrrreee. And who am I that they've chosen me?? I know nothing can happen without God. I'm slowly seeing a little dim of light towards the road that I'm travelling. I ask that God will continue to humble me and keep me focused on the purpose of my life, not just my job.

I will soon be working with this amazing make up artist on Natalia's shoot, and then an amazing photographer named Zoe Economides. And on her shoot is this amazing makeup artist, and stylist....Like seriously, I've only been freelancing for a month and I get to have this opportunity to work with such people? How is that possible? How did that even happen anyway??

What makes me most nervous is how they would judge my work. Because one of the make up artist does both hair as well and I have to be honest, I do get nervous when someone else is looking over my work.

When I'm anticipating for these things to happen, it makes me wants to dwell into the words more because I need his power. I need to recharge, I need him next to me because without him I can't do anything. I can't do anything at all and I need him every step of the way. I need Jesus. I need your ideas Lord. I don't want to just come to you when I need help but also come to you when I have good news and celebrations.

Please help me to stay on track with the fast.

Please help during this fast to discover my purpose and who I am. Please bring me into the light Jesus.

I love you and please forgive me for speaking so cruel to you at times during my anger. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me.

Thank you for loving me and providing me with opportunities.

I love you Jesus.

Thank you.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Daniel fast - Day 13/31 - I'm losing it, I'm kind of over it

So it is the 13th day today. And for breakfast, unlike every other day where I just drink water and have fruits, I had sugary stuff and a nutella sandwich. It's not wrong, but it's not right either because I said I would not have packaged food. I don't know how I'm feeling now. So like the day before yesterday (Night 11) I felt terrible. And then woke up really early for a shoot yesterday morning. Went to church after and had the BBQ. All along I was just thinking "What Am 'I' doing???" Where will this lead me to? All that I'm doing.

I felt and is still feeling lost. I don't even know where I am. I want Jesus to show me my future and my next step and I don't even see it. I feel like wanting to withdraw away from him. I'm just so lost. I began to doubt and have unbelief about all these things I'm doing. Might be from the devil that's trying to convince me that I have no purpose, and unfortunately, I'm beginning to believe it.

You honestly have to intervene.

You tell me to give and I don't even have an income to give.

Trusting is so uncomfortable.

Last night's message was speaking on the Israelites coming out of Egypt. I felt like God was saying, he wants to humble me that's why I'm in a barren land. I honestly don't know how Joseph and be put into jail, got betrayed by people around him, went through so much for so long yet still trust God. I don't have that kind of faith.

I'm believing the best for the future ahead but it's so hard.

I hate how I'm at church and I'm trying my hardest to feel connected but I don't seem to feel as connected anymore. And tomorrow will be connect group. Am I going to speak of God's faithfulness and not fully believe it myself???

Don't even know if God will intervene.

And this is only the 13th day in.

And I can't believe some people still think I look like a bitch when they meet me for the first time.
"But you're okay today" They say because I give them free food??? Seriously, I don't even care anymore. I get that too many times. Some people think that can never happen, yet some just think I look like an alpha female and a bitch. Whatever.

When am I going to change the way I feel?

Okay, it's all UP TO ME, but it's hard and I can't get out of this mess alone.

I'm sick of hearing, give, put him first, give give give when I CAN'T GIVE!!!!!!

And what is the point of fasting? If it's not going to open doors for me? I look back to times when I gave, some of the times when I fasted long period of time, and I don't even know what the outcome of that was. What DID you do? What did you intervene with? What happened?

I'm meant to be close to God and now I don't even want to read the bible.

I don't know what has gotten into me.

You want me to thank you for what you're giving me in the future. Yes it was easy when I had a lot of faith but not anymore.

Even when Maree recommended to do hair for someone on fb, I don't even bother reply cz there are so many better people.

What will it take for you to change the way I am.

It is too hard, too hard.

How can I ask myself "What is right in this situation?" when I can't find anything. I used to, but I'm too negative for that.

I wonder what you think looking down on me behaving like this.

God. I just have no hope anymore.

I'm sick of leaving my work, and trusting you and following what you say and now I'm here hopeless, having no job, no income.

You said not to look for work, AND I TRUSTED YOU, and you said you have something prepared for me. WHERE IS IT LORD?????? WHERE?? DO I HAVE TO WAIT TILL THE END OF THE YEAR???????

Why do you choose me anyway. What am I to you? If you know my life from front to back then you would've already seen this coming. Why then do you choose me for my lack of faith and belief. Why then do you tolerate me speaking to you like this?

I don't see a reason for this to happen. What is life? Who will I be?

I really don't care anymore because if you really cared, you would do something right now.

Friday, January 11, 2013

need to wake up early tomorrow

so im feeling really down .... all day ive been running errands, taking Chi to Centrelink and the driving her teld, getti-ng in trouble and had the Disabled card comfiscated. Buying things and making jelly to sell, writing letter to send off to RTA, printing things off at Officeworks, running arounf like wild. Then packing my kit for tomorrow, making hair pieces and now finally off to bed.

Right now i hear the spirit telling me - I will take care of it - 

Im sad and got really hurt when my older sister started yelling at me and calling me a pig. I got so hurt. Its something that she can never take back. I get so hurt when people call names, I cant take it. Even if its a joke.

Righ now, mums yelling on the phone over some loan. This lady hasnt paid back the loan and mum is pissed. I dont know  what i would do in that situation. Its really going to make my hair goes gray. I know thats a way of mum making a living, but i really dont like lying to make a living Oh Ord wouldyou please hrlp my mum and settle this once and for all. Lord pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Where are youuuuuu!!!!! why wont you change her and help her ????

you are a merciful God so please show your mercy to her and give her back what she lost!!!!!!!!!!

So whats going to happen now? what am i even doing. i keep repeating the same old thing over and over and over again. When will you bring people to our team. to my team, the team youve ordained? Same old thing... I want to obey you but im loosing so much hope.. so much...doing he bbq, i dont eve know how may people attend. i dont know the impact this is making apart from raising money for powerhouse. I wish we could raise our own money to do things for powerhouse afterparty.

oh, im so hopeless now. my security, my idenity. what will happen tonightwhen i go to bed? will he devil come and attack me? will you come and rescue me? will u help me with tomorrow? 

will i get a job soon? im loosing so much hope and i cant see you. 

what am i even doing. 

why wont you come in my dreams? 

you said ask and it will be given. why wont you? you know thats what i desire. 

i feel lost, and cant forget what both sisters have called me. 

I dont know anymore.....

i really dont know anymore.....

why wont you show yourself to me clearly, speak to me. 

i want to do make up but i cant even afford it. tried emaling agencies to ask to be an assistant and i dont even get replies...

what do i do then, i cant work in a hair salon because it will interfere wih serving  on saturday night....

i just wat to cry......

Daniel fast -Day 11/31 - Jesus needs to give me rest and peace

"The Lord is my ligt and my salvation -whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27

" If you love me, you will obey what I command" John 14:5

" Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is like the one who loves me" John 14:21

Daniel fast - Day 10/31 - Self Development

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the son of man will be three days and three nigts in the heart of the earth.

(heart of the earth = hell)

"Let's do it"

- Work harder on yourself than you do on your job
- Becoming valuable to your Market Place
- If you will change, everything will change for you

Daniel fast - Day 9/31 - I don't need anything to follow Jesus

"Come to me, all you who are weary and buodened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and leafrom me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" Matthew 11:28

"I will send out my messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way before you" Matthew 11:10

Jesus sent out the Twelve

"Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belt -no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth keeping."Matthew 10:9

Monday, January 7, 2013

Make Room for Abundance! - By Joel Osteen

In Second Kings, there is the story about a widow who doesn't have money to pay her bills. In those days, if you couldn't pay your bills, your family was taken and sold as slaves, and that's exactly what was about to happen. The creditors were coming to take her sons as payment. The only thing she had of any value was a small pot of oil to cook with. The prophet Elisha showed up at her house and told her to do something that seemed strange. He said, "Go out to the neighbors and borrow as many big, empty pots to hold oil as you can possibly find." He said specifically, "Borrow not a few. Get as many as you can." He was saying in effect, "Don't shortchange yourself; make room for abundance."

The widow went out and borrowed some pots. I can imagine she found five or six of these big, empty pots. When she came home, Elisha told her to pour her oil into one of the empty containers. It appeared as though she would just transfer it from one container to the other, but the scripture says, "Her oil never ran out." She kept pouring and pouring. God supernaturally multiplied it until all of those containers were completely filled. Here's my point: She was the one who determined how much oil she would have. If she would have borrowed one container, she would have one full. If she would have borrowed ten, she would've had ten full. If she would have borrowed 50, she would've had 50 full. It wasn't up to God how much she increased, it was up to her. God has unlimited supplies. That's why the prophet said, "Borrow not a few."

My question today is, "How many containers are you borrowing?" What kind of vision do you have for this new year? Some people have a barely-get-by container. They think, "Oh, man, business is so slow. I'm hoping to just make it through this year." They've got a tiny little container. God says, "Alright, I'll fill your 'barely-get-by' container." Some of you, like this lady, have five or six containers. You're

believing to pay your bills, feed your family, and have a little bit left over. That's good. God will fill those containers. No matter what you've been expecting, believe that this year is the year for increase! Know that God can do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond. He is El Shaddai—the God of more than enough. Make room for His far-and-beyond favor because God is saying, "You need to get ready. I'm going to fill your containers!"

It may not have happened in the past, but God has favor in your future. He has new opportunities, good breaks, blessings that will chase you down. You may not see how this could happen, but God has a thousand ways to increase you that you've never thought of. God has explosive blessings, blessings that can thrust you years ahead.

Like this woman, God wants to bless you beyond your normal income, beyond your salary, beyond your retirement. God can give you one good break, one promotion, one idea or one inheritance, and all those containers are filled to overflowing. Now make sure you don't shortchange yourself. God is saying, "Borrow not a few." Get ready, get your hopes up, get your faith up, and make room for abundance because that's what God has waiting for you!


Daniel fast - Day 7/31 - God hears us

Today I ended up reading almost 10 chapters of Genesis because it was fascinating how God works. I love how in Genesis 18, God hears us and he appreciates our communication with him and is flexible with our request. Abraham was pleading for Sodom and kept bargaining with God to spare them if there were 50 righteous people, then 45, 40, 30, 20, and 10. God obviously knew that there wasn't that many or perhaps none. He still destroyed the city. I love reading about Isaac's sacrifice too.

But today I pleaded with the Lord to give me a source of financial income. A job that requires less hours for more pay. And I pleaded because I know he will provide for me, but I want to be able to give to the church, and to others & my connect group. I said to him that if he gives me a source of income/ a job soon, I will dedicate 50% of what I earn towards giving: 30% tithing and 20% for powerhouse & cg.

I have a job for wedding soon on 27th Jan. I'm a little nervous because it's an Asian wedding, and Martha wants to see my skill to see how fast I can do it. I actually really like the V pins, but she doesn't use it AT ALL. She likes to use just bobby pins. I will have to get used to that.

I just hope God watches over me. He will. He will make sure I know that none of the talent comes from myself but from him. Thank you Jesus and please keep me humble.

Please help me not to be anxious about this coming saturday. So we will be having a dessert night and a game night. Please Lord help us and provide for us where we need resources and help. I don't have money Lord, provide a way so that I may be able to give and provide for Saturday Night & Connect group.  Help the night be a success Lord.

Thank you.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Daniel fast - Day 5/31 - You'll fight for me

Oh Lord, when will this rest. Lord Jesus, you are our fighter, please fight for me in this battle. I feel like I need to be stronger to resist, but it's not by my power but by yours. So you would you make me whole, cleanse me, let me be still and you fight for me (Ex14:14)

Lord, I feel like my spirit is so drowned. I feel empty and frustrated. I want an end to this. Maybe God is cleansing me without me even knowing it.

"It is far easier to love God than it is to love others, but God sees them as the same"

Friday, January 4, 2013

Daniel fast - Day 4/31 - The hope that is in me

I'm on a fast and I don't even feel like I'm on a fast. Not because I don't get hungry, but I just don't feel like eating, and I'm not having any craving. Thank God. I hope it stays like this. I just crave for God's word and it's like the word feeds me. 

Today I prayed that God will provide me financially, give me resources for afterparty, and for our team to hear his plan and purpose. 

Then God spoke to me about worrying in Matthew 6: 26

"Look at the birds of the air, 
they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, 
and yet our heavenly Father feeds them. 
Are you not much more valuable than they?

And about struggles

He allows certain things to happen so we can turn to him


Forgiveness is a decision, NOT a feeling

And about PURPOSE

"always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you to give a reason 
for the hope that is in you" 
1 Peter 3:15

  • He gives me strength and peace when there's no hope. Eg, Family problems & failures.
  • He blesses my family through prayer and heals people of diseases and sickness.
  • I find my life's purpose: To be light in the dark/ To use my gifts and talents to help others/ To do whatever I can to point people to Jesus, our Father who gives us a plan, purpose & a future/ He shows me that it is not by talent that I succeed but only by his mighty power.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Daniel fast - Day 3/31 - I am a friend of God

I woke up today thinking about my friends. And how they are going through rough time spiritually. I know it for sure. It saddens me that some are more distant than before. I feel a little lonely but I shouldn't be because knowing God is enough. He gives me peace and I wouldn't have it any other way. Since yesterday, finding out that Andrei isn't able to do the BBQ this coming weekend, I was very surprised with my reaction. I was calm, and I was hopeful that God will provide. I kept on telling myself that whatever God promised he will bring to pass, and also if it's a part of God's will and some people are not doing it, then he will get someone else who's willing to do. Either way, it will still be done. I know this season is dry but I know God is sustaining me. I know he'll bring me people.

There is a big difference between being out of God's will and being pruned or tested by God. Both are uncomfortable, but in one, you will have peace, no matter how uncomfortable it gets. In the other, you won't. 

God is the light and in him is no darkness at all. 
If we say that we have fellowship with Him, 
and walk in darkness, 
we lie and do not practice the truth. 
But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, 
we have fellowship with one another, 
and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. 
1 John 1:5-7

"So don't worry about seeing or understanding what the future holds. God wants you to trust Him as He leads you, even though you can't see clearly ahead. And don't be overly concerned about fully comprehending the past. Only He knows the whole truth about it anyway. You have him now. He is your light. And that is all that matters."

Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by prayer and supplication,
with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

I guess that's how I'm feeling now. Even though I'm tired and there are a lot going around me, but I have so much peace. 

Question: Why do I have the hope within me. Why can't I live without the Holy Spirit?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Daniel fast - Day 2/31 - Let God reign my mind

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you
Isaiah 26:3

You have a choice about what you will accept into your mind and what you won't.

Lord, I ask that you take captive of those ungodly thoughts. Please lead me in your way and fill me with thoughts which are pure. Let my mind think of You, think of your words at all times. Let me not be discouraged about the future but trust in you for you will deliver me. Comfort me when I feel down Lord. Teach  me about time management. Let me be your light, and let me not be ashamed to stand up for my belief and who I am. Let today be another day that you reveal more of yourself to me. In Jesus name I pray.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Daniel fast - Day 1/31 - Steven's prayer

My first day of the Daniel fast.

Consume only fruits, vegetables, grain and water.

Today went well, I ate mostly fruits during the day then had rice and vegetables for dinner.

Steven was hurt today from a NYE fight and I prayed for him. Found out that he actually goes to scripture. I asked if he believes in God , he said that he will get there soon. I'm happy. I thank God that my day was purposeful today because I was brave enough to pull him out and talked to him and prayed for him.

I also started on the one year bible reading plan. God is slowly revealing a lot of things to me.

Today, for the 5th time, God reminded me of the verse

"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you" Mathew 6:33 from the book "The power of a praying life"

God's way do not make sense. If it's logical, it's probably not God. 

My vision for 2013

So today is the first day of 2013. 2012 is gone and 2013 will be a year where my faith is tested. I know that for sure, now that I have no job.

Christmas was depressing even though I was on a cruise. It was fun, however I felt very lost and confused about life.


  • The year I see is a year full of God's favour and blessing demonstrated through different circumstances and people are able to recognise the Lord's goodness.
  • I see year where my character is refined to become more like Jesus, so pure and reflective that people sees Jesus in me wherever I go, and are inspired to know and follow him. 
  • I see a year where the connect group flourishes with such health and large attendance that there is no room to contain us. That there are leaders rising up to lead sub connect groups. People are being multiplied and they call their connect group home. A connect group built up with God-loving and dedicated individuals seeking to make a difference in God's kingdom. And whose connect group members are continuously being flourished through serving and receiving at church. 
  • I see a year that speaks of powerhouse as a mighty force in his church, where salvations are being saved at an exponential growth. I see a year full of excitement in the life of our afterparty, that people are drawn to it because of the culture that it sets. That lives are being connected and reconnected with Jesus through this community and his people. I see afterparty going to a whole new level with attendance so large that we fill the big Hillsong bus constantly each week. Where we have people who are equipped with resources to provide our needs. 
  • I see a year with team unity, with many gifted and talented individuals joining together to make powerhouse Saturday 7pm the best service for 18-25 years old. I see a team of such Jesus lovers that they're willing to do whatever it takes to make each week's event happen. I see a team that is united and serve with excellence. I see a team rising above all odds when challenges come, and unite in prayer and worship to wait upon God's faithfulness. 
  • I see 2013 as a year where God raise me up to lead leaders who are leading other leaders. The year that God teaches me new and wise things.
  • I see different sub team under me, each working cohesively within their own team and their leaders are performing better than I am. I see the next generation of leadership going greater things than I have to bring glory to Jesus.
  • I see 2013 as a year of completion to long lost hope, a new cycle for my health and the year where God restores my identity. I see this year as a year that I learn to love and be confident with myself and look better physically than I ever have. A year where eating healthily and exercising will no longer becoming a chore but a loving habit and a joy to take care of God's temple.
  • 2013 will be a year where God reveals to me more of Jordan, where God would teach me to place Jesus first and fall deeply in love with him before anyone else. Then Jordan will be introduced in reality. 
  • I see a year where I adopt a new language, and submerge myself in their culture and find a new love for speaking a new tongue.
  • I see a year of incredible spiritual growth that God would take me to places I would have never dreamt of. I see a year where my first hour of the day is dedicated to him, and the first fruit of everything I earn goes to him. I see a year where my honour to God allows God to bless my career in a way that blows my mind. A year where the more I place God first, the less hour I have to work and the more I get paid. A year where so many collaborations are done to produce great work of art with talented individuals. I see a year where Jesus shines wherever I go.
  • I see a year where my family are drawn towards Christ and who he is, and a year of hope and discovery of Truth for all my family. I see a year of provision where they know it comes from no other but Jesus.
  • I see 2013 as a year where my temptations and weaknesses no longer have control over me, rather Jesus and the Word of God strengthens my foundation and empowers me to keep doing righteous things.
  • I see 2013 as a year where my knowledge of God would be broadened, a year where my eyes will see his glory and my ears will hear him clearly. And my heart will be led to do only good things.